221 Everything you need to know about Julian Asante
Hi, welcome to English Journal 365.
This is Hu Yuxi.
I will read the 221st English journal for you.
It’s about a hero.
Everything you need to know about Julian Assange
Who is Julian Assange?
Assange is a 47-year-old Australian who founded WikiLeaks, a non-profit organisation that publishes leaked materials from a wide range of sources.
阿桑奇现年 47 岁,是澳大利亚人。他创建了一个非营利性组织——维基解密。该组织曝光了大量的泄密文件,这些泄密文件来源颇为广泛。
Assange rose to prominence in 2010 when WikiLeaks published a series of leaks by Chelsea Manning, a former US Army soldier.
阿桑奇在 2010 年声名鹊起,当时维基解密公布了一系列美国前陆军士兵切尔西·曼宁泄露出的机密文件。
In November that year, WikiLeaks released what would come to be known as Cablegate, a dump of more than 250,000 US diplomatic cables. Dated between December 1966 and February 2010, the cables contain diplomatic analysis from world leaders, and the diplomats’ assessment of host countries and their officials.
同年 11 月,维基解密一股脑公开了超过 25 万份美国外交电报存档,该事件后来被称为“电报门”(美国外交电报泄密事件)。这些电报发于 1966 年 12 月至 2010 年 2 月期间,里面涵盖了来自世界各国领导人的外交分析,以及美国驻各国的外交官对其所在国及所在国官员的评估。
Why was Julian Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy?
An arrest warrant for Assange was issued in August 2010 for two separate sexual assault allegations in Sweden. Police questioned him in Stockholm, where he denied the allegations.
2010 年 8 月,阿桑奇在瑞典因受到两起不同性侵案件的指控而被签发逮捕令。警方在斯德哥尔摩审问了他,他否认了这些指控。
After returning to the UK, he feared that if he were extradited to Sweden he might be extradited on to the US, where he believed he could face charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of the secret US government files.
In December 2010 he appeared at an extradition hearing in the UK, where he was granted bail. Following a legal battle, the courts ruled Assange should be extradited to Sweden. The WikiLeaks founder entered the Ecuadorian embassy in August 2012. He was granted political asylum and remained there until his arrest.
2010 年 12 月,他在英国出席了一场引渡听证会,并获得保释。经过一场法律较量,法院裁定阿桑奇应当被引渡到瑞典。这位维基解密的创始人于 2012 年 8 月进入厄瓜多尔大使馆。他获得了厄瓜多尔政府给予的政治庇护,并一直在那里待到被捕。
Why do the Americans want him?
Upon his departure from the Ecuadorian embassy, Scotland Yard confirmed that Assange had been arrested on behalf of the US after receiving are quest for his extradition as well as for the bail offence.
Later, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) published details of the charge faced by Assange over the Manning episode—namely conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, for which, if convicted, he would face a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
其后,美国司法部(DoJ)公布了阿桑奇在曼宁事件中面临的指控细节——即密谋入侵电脑,如果这一罪名成立,他将面临最高长达 5 年的监禁。
Well, this is the end of my English speech today.
Have you ever visited the WikiLeaks?
Thanks for your listening.
Goodbye and good luck.