219 Criticism for China’s child modeling industry
Hi, welcome to English Journal 365.
This is Hu Yuxi.
I will read the 219th English journal for you.
It’s about child modeling industry.
Criticism for China’s child modeling industry after video of 3-year-old being kicked
3 岁童模被踢视频曝光,中国童模行业备受批评
China’s growing child modeling industry is under scrutiny after footage of a 3-year-old being kicked by her mother was widely circulated online.
一位母亲脚踢 3 岁女儿的视频在网上广泛传播之后,中国正在扩张的儿童模特行业受到了审查。
According to China Daily, a state-run newspaper, the video was filmed Monday in the eastern city of Hangzhou, where the girl was modeling outfits for online retailers. It drew outrage on Weibo, a Chinese social media site, where one of the topic pages about the incident had been viewed more than 610 million times by Thursday evening.
据官方报纸《中国日报》报道,这段视频是周一在杭州(位于中国东部的城市)拍摄的,小女孩当时在为网店做服装模特。而此次事件在微博(中国的社交媒体平台)上引发众怒。截止至周四晚,其中一个关于该事件的微博话题主页已被浏览了超过 6.1 亿次。
The child modeling industry is growing in China, with an increase in runway shows, pageants and modeling classes for children whose work can provide their families significant income. Parents say they enroll their children in part to help them develop self-confidence, Sixth Tone, an English-language Chinese media outlet, reported in 2017. But according to local news reports, when children tire of posing, changing outfits repeatedly and hustling from location to location, it is not uncommon for parents to raise their voices or even use corporal punishment.
中国的童模业正在不断发展,针对儿童的走秀、选美和模特班都越来越多,而这些孩子的工作可以给他们的家庭带来可观收入。据中国的英文媒体“第六声”在 2017 年报道,家长们表示,他们让孩子们当模特,一定程度上是为了帮助孩子们培养自信。但据当地新闻报道,当孩子们厌烦了摆姿势、反复换衣服以及奔波换场地时,父母们大声斥责、甚至体罚孩子的现象并不罕见。
Chinese law forbids companies from hiring children younger than 16, but child models are usually paid in cash and do not sign formal contracts.
中国法律禁止公司雇佣 16 岁以下的儿童,但是童模们的酬劳经常是以现金支付的,且不会签署正式合同。
In response to the video, more than 110 children’s retailers on the e-commerce platform Taobao said they would scale back the use of child models and called for more regulatory protections in the shooting process.
作为对这条视频的回应,电商平台淘宝上超过 110 家的儿童用品店表示,它们会减少使用童模,并呼吁在拍摄过程中加强监管保护措施。
“By employing little ones, we intended to show the delight that children’s clothing brings and to pass that on to even more children,” they said in a joint statement. “But if children are hurt in the process of being photographed, this completelygoes against the original intent.”
Well, this is the end of my English speech today.
Do you know a child model?
Thanks for your listening.
Goodbye and good luck.