


3831. cash/ kæʃ/ n.现金;现款【Do you have any cash on you? 你身上有现金吗?】;兑现【Would you cash a cheque for me? 你能帮我兑张支票吗?】;

3832. tide/ taid/ n. 潮汐;潮水【The tide is out. 退潮了】;潮流,趋势;

3833. defeat/dɪˈfiːt/ v.击败,打败,战胜【They defeated the Italian team and reached the final. 他们打败了意大利队,晋身决赛。】;使失败,使落空【I'm afraid anything that involves language learning has always defeated me. 恐怕凡是与语言学习沾边的事都会把我难倒。】;n.失败;战败;落败【In the last election, they suffered a crushing defeat. 在上次大选中,他们一败涂地。】;

3834. club/ klΛb/ n.俱乐部;社团;队,组,班;会所;夜总会;高尔夫球棒;(扑克中)梅花牌;v.棒打,棒击【He was clubbed over the head. 他头上挨了一棍。】

[CET6]3835. submerge/ sΛb’mə:dʒ/ v.(使)潜入水中,(使)没入水中;浸没【She was taken to hospital after being submerged in an icy river for 45 minutes. 她在冰冷的河水中浸了45分钟后被送进了医院。】;湮没,湮灭;掩盖【Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced. 她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。】

[CET6]3836. merge/mɝːdʒ/ v.(使)合并;(使)融合【They decided to merge the two companies into one. 他们决定将两家公司合并为一家。】

3837. enquire/ in’kwaiə/ (美式拼写为 inquire) (to ask for information) v.询问,打听【She called to inquire when her car would be ready. 她打电话询问她的车何时能准备好。】;

3838. enquiry/ɪnˈkwaɪə.ri/ (美式拼写为 inquiry /ɪnˈkwaɪə.ri/, /ˈɪŋ.kwɚ.i/)n. 询问,打听【I've been making inquiries about the cost of a round-the-world ticket. 我一直在打听环球旅行的票价。】;(官方的)调查,查问;询问(或调查)过程【Citizens have demanded a full inquiry into the government's handling of the epidemic. 公众要求全面调查政府对这场传染病的处置是否得当。】

3839. herd/ hə:d/ n.兽群;牧群【a herd of elephants 一群大象;a herd of cattle 一群牛】;人群;芸芸众生 【She just follows the herd. 她只是在随大流。】;v.(将…)赶成一群,放牧【He used a motor cycle to herd the sheep. 他骑一辆摩托车放羊。】;使集在一起;把…赶在一起【He began to herd the prisoners out. 他开始将犯人集中在一起赶出来。】

3840. thunder/ ‘θΛndə/ n.雷,雷声;雷鸣般的响声,轰隆声【I couldn't hear what he was saying over the thunder of the waterfall. 瀑布震天响,我听不清他说的话。】;v.打雷【The sky grew dark and it started to thunder. 天色变暗,开始打雷了。】;怒吼【"I never want to see you here again!" he thundered. “我再也不想在这儿见到你!”他怒吼道。】

  • 爱屋及乌爱噗酱


    峻卿先生 回复 @爱屋及乌爱噗酱: 速度也太快了吧

  • 浅笑嫣然_p4


    峻卿先生 回复 @浅笑嫣然_p4: 请关注公众号:跟我背单词。上面有详细字幕!

  • 听友189259431


  • 知行合一_who
