99.2【学习版】第17章 追逐白鹿(5)外教朗读

99.2【学习版】第17章 追逐白鹿(5)外教朗读





17章 追逐白鹿(5)

"Madam,"said King Edmund, "if you look well upon it you shall see it is a pillar(柱子) of iron with a lantern(灯笼) set on the top thereof(其)." 

"By the Lion's Mane, a strange device(装置)," said King Peter, "to set a lantern here where the trees cluster so thick about it and so high above it that if it were lit it should give light to no man!" 

"Sir," said Queen Lucy. "By likelihood when this post and this lamp were set here there were smaller trees in the place, or fewer, or none. For this is a young wood and the iron post is old." And they stood looking upon it. Then said King Edmund, 

"I know not how it is, but this lamp on the post worketh upon me(对……起作用) strangely. It runs in my mind that I have seenthe like before; as it were in a dream, or in the dream of a dream." 

"Sir,"answered they all, "it is even so with us also." 

"And more," said Queen Lucy, "for it will not go out of my mind that if we pass this post and lantern either we shall find strange adventures or else some great change of our fortunes. " 

"Madam,"said King Edmund, "the like foreboding(预示) stirreth in my heart also." 

"And inmine, fair brother," said King Peter. 

"And in mine too," said Queen Susan. "Wherefore(=therefore 因此) by my counsel(忠告) we shall lightly return to our horses and follow this White Stag no further." 

"Madam,"said King Peter, "therein(ad在这一点上) I pray thee(=宾格you) to have me excused. For never since we four were Kings and Queens in Narnia have we set our hands to any high matter(倒装句 否定副词放在句首), as battles, quests(探险), feats of arms(比武), acts of justice(执法审判),and the like(诸如此类), and then given over(停止); but always what we have taken in hand, the same we have achieved." 

"Sister,"said Queen Lucy, "my royal brother speaks rightly. And it seems to me we should be shamed if for any fearing or foreboding we turned back from following so noble a beast(=such a noble beast) as now we have in chase." 

"And so say I," said King Edmund. "And I have such desire to find the signification(意义) of this thing that I would not by my good will turn back for the richest jewel in all Narnia and all the islands." 

"Then in the name of Aslan," said Queen Susan, "if ye will all have it so, let us go on and take the adventure that shall fall to us."  


1)You shall see it is a pillar of iron

2)This lamp on the post worketh upon me strangely. 

3)The like foreboding stirreth in my heart also.

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