【英文原声版18】Gary Urton:The First New Chronicle and Good Government

【英文原声版18】Gary Urton:The First New Chronicle and Good Government




Gary Urton | Harvard College Program in General Education


What’s the story of Spanish conquest?


Zachary Davis: The Inca believed their empire was founded by a god.


Gary Urton: The first chroniclers declared that the Inca was the son of the sun, Intip Churin. They claimed that from the beginning he had said that his father was the sun. His mother was the moon, his sister was the morning star. His idol was Huana Cauri. And the place from which the Incas had emerged was Tambo Toko, also known as Pacari tumbo.


Zachary Davis: That’s Gary Urton, a professor of pre-Columbian studies at Harvard University, reading from The First New Chronicle and Good Government. The myth says the first Incas followed instructions given to them by the sun God, Inti, to find the fertile land where they would build their kingdom. Archeological evidence suggests the Inca first settled near present-day Cuzco in the year 1200. Over the next two centuries, they built out a small kingdom ruled by a lineage of kings.


Gary Urton: So we use the term Inca, generally, we sort of use it broadly to refer to everybody who was subject to the Inca Empire. So we sort of talk about the Incas and you get Empire. But the Incas were actually a lineage, a bloodline and they were of the dynasty that came to power at this period around the 1470s. There were about a dozen kings who rule from the founding of the dynasty until the time, until the arrival of the Spaniards.


Zachary Davis: In 1438, the kingdom was ruled by Pachacuti. He wanted to extend his realm, and he sent his army to fight off the neighboring Chanka tribe. From there, the expansion continued.


Gary Urton: At its height, the empire stretched from what is today the border between Ecuador and Colombia, southward down through Colombia, through Peru, much of Bolivia, northwest Argentina. And down to about the middle of what is today Chile.


Zachary Davis: Experts believe the Inca empire included 9-12 million people. It was the largest empire in Central or South America—far larger than the Maya or Aztecs. One of the Inca’s most significant accomplishments is Machu Picchu, a royal estate that sits on a mountain ridge 50 miles northwest of Cuzco. This massive structure was built during Pachacuti’s rule, in around 1450. The Inca used a complex record keeping system called Quipus. The quipus are strings made of fiber, such as wool or cotton, which are intricately knotted to record numerical information.


Gary Urton: They kept administrative information, information, for instance, on censuses, on tribute, on various other kinds of administrative data.


Zachary Davis: Around 750 quipus are known to exist today. These quipus are all the documentation we have from the Inca themselves.


Gary Urton: They didn't write. And so therefore, they couldn't tell us about themselves. They didn't tell us about themselves.


Zachary Davis: Aside from the quipus, the Inca had no written record—...except... for.. one... book: The First New Chronicle and Good Government.


Gary Urton: It is the story of the world of the Andes, as understood, seen as represented by a native Andean person.


Zachary Davis: Welcome to Writ Large, a podcast about how books change the world. I’m Zachary Davis. In each episode, I sit down with one of the world’s leading scholars to talk about one book that changed the course of history. For this episode, I sat down with Harvard professor Gary Urton to discuss The First New Chronicle and Good Government. This is one of the most important works about Indigenous American communities, but it came really close to being lost forever.


Zachary Davis: The First New Chronicle and Good Government was written in the early 1600s by an indigenous man named Guaman Poma. Guaman Poma was born shortly after the Spanish invaded the Inca empire in 1532.


Gary Urton: He tells us in his book, that he was the son of an indigenous lord. And he says that then his mother was a descendant of one of the Inca kings, Topa Inca Yupanqui. That was the tenth Inca King.


ZacharyDavis: The book is almost 1200 pages long and isconstructed in three parts: first, Guaman Poma told the story of the world of the Andesbefore the Spanish conquest. At this time, the Native Andean cultures werestill intact, under Inca rule. Then, he describes the decline of the Incaempire and the arrival of the Spanish.


ZacharyDavis: Around 1524, mysterious new diseases began to spreaddown the western coast of South America from present-day Central America.Spanish conquerors had invaded these lands and brought their European diseaseswith them, like smallpox, measles, malaria, and the common cold. Theseillnesses killed between 80 and 90% of the empire before the conquerors hadeven arrived.


ZacharyDavis: At this time, the Inca emperor was a man namedHuayna Capac. He was the grandson of the emperor, Pachacuti. Huayna Capac diedfrom one of the Spaniard’s diseases, and so did his rightful heir. Upon theirdeaths, his two other sons began to fight for the throne. Their battle turnedinto a civil war, which further weakened the already declining empire. Thecivil war came to an end when one of the sons, Atahualpa, defeated his brotherand assumed the throne.


ZacharyDavis: The next day, Atahualpa learned that the Spanishwere on their way. He agreed to meet with them, assuming that their small armywould be no match for his troops. But more Spanish soldiers were hiding,waiting to ambush Atahualpa. They captured him and held him hostage for a year.


ZacharyDavis: In the book, Guaman Poma describes the Spanishconquest. The Spanish converted all the indigenous people they could toChristianity and killed everyone who resisted. They concentrated the indigenouspopulations into settlements and created a newcapital city—Lima. The third part of the book describes the end of the conquestand the beginning of Spanish colonial rule. Guaman Poma’s book is significantlydifferent than other accounts of the Inca empire and the Spanish invasion.



Why did Poma want to write this book to the Spanish king?


Gary Urton: The accounts we have of the Inca Empire are ones that are drawn from accounts written by Spaniards after the time of the conquest. So, these were works that were written by adventurers, by travelers, by clerics, by administrative officials, following this date of conquest of 1532.


Zachary Davis: It’s hard to imagine that they're all reliable narrators.


Gary Urton: Exactly. That's exactly the point here. And that was the point for Guaman Poma himself.


Zachary Davis: Guaman Poma’s native languages were Quechua and Aymara, but he also knew some Spanish. He learned to read and write from a half-brother who was a half-Spanish priest. As a young man, GuamanPoma read some of these early accounts of the Inca Empire and the Spanish conquest.


Gary Urton: In those accounts, many of the Spaniards had an axe to grind. They had an interest. They were trying to prove that the Incas were tyrants and that therefore, the Spaniards’ conquest of the Inca Empire, was totally legitimate because they were ridding the people of tyrannical rule.


Zachary Davis: Guaman Poma shared some of these concerns. He knew about life in the pre-Inca Andean communities, and he did not think highly of the conquering Inca empire. In fact, he thought they were immoral. His half-brother had converted the family to Christianity, and Guaman Poma saw the indigenous communities through this lens.


Gary Urton: He actually believed that the indigenous Andean people were, quote unquote, Christian before the arrival of Europeans but that they had been corrupted by the Incas and that the Incas had come in and convinced people to worship these false idols like the Inca king himself, who claimed to be divine and the son of the sun, etc.


Zachary Davis: In the mid-1500s, Guaman Poma traveled around the countryside with a Christian missionary who was trying to get people to stop worshipping indigenous idols and convert to Christianity. This experience had an important influence on Guaman Poma. He helped the friar he was traveling with complete two chronicles, including illustrations. But he also saw how Spanish missionaries abused indigenous people. This was a turning point for Guaman Poma.


Gary Urton: While he had his quibbles with the Incas, as he nonetheless believed fervently that Andean culture was extraordinarily complex, that there was sort of a basic morality to it and that in fact Andean people and Andean culture was being corrupted by the Spaniards.


Gary Urton: And I think he probably knew that there was no other voice that was coming forward. I think he probably knew the extraordinary nature of his background that there were not that many highly literate, well-read indigenous people in the 1570s and 80s or so in Peru. And one can only imagine that he felt a responsibility to be the voice that spoke for this these people and for this civilization.


Zachary Davis: So, he set out to write this book.


Gary Urton: It is an exhausting book to read. It's got, you know, partially in Spanish. And then he'll switch to Quechua one switch to Aymara and back to Spanish. And the Spanish is not great. He’s often been criticized by scholars of Spanish of the golden age. You know, it's not the king's English, right, nor the king's Spanish.


Zachary Davis: Along with all the written languages, there are also illustrations.


Gary Urton: A picture is worth a thousand words and he has 400 drawings or so. These drawings are drawings of life in Peru before, during and after the time of the Spanish conquest. He's showing us there what he understood about the nature of the dress, of the nobility, about the dress, of the sort of lower nobility, about the dress and clothing of the commoners, about how people, what their agricultural implements looked like, what it looked like when they were hunting birds out in the field at harvest time and trying to, you know, drive the birds off from the crops and all of these as mundane things that he gives us visual representations. He gives us illustrations of this wide range of activities that people were involved in before the conquest, during, and after the conquest.


Zachary Davis: Guaman Poma wasn’t alive during Inca rule, but his parents were, and he grew up with indigenous traditions and practices. But Guaman Poma wasn’t just trying to document life before the Spanish conquest.


Gary Urton: In Guaman Poma’s mind, he had one reader that mattered. And that reader was Philip III, the king of Spain. And he addresses himself directly to the king of Spain. And he has a number of drawings. But in one of those he imagines himself presenting his book to Philip III. So he shows this scene of Philip III sitting on the D.S. and on his throne, and Guaman Poma's on his knees before him with his manuscript in his hand, handing it to him.


Zachary Davis: Why did he want to write to the king? What was he hoping would happen?


Gary Urton: He understood the structure of power in the colony. He understood that the king was the principal arbiter of justice and that all exercise of power was under the command of the king. And so he knew that if he actually wanted to effect change, that it could only be done by gaining the sympathy of the king of Spain.


Gary Urton: And in that, then he is very thoughtful and very strategic in terms of the contents of his text. He tries, to the extent possible, not to exoticize the Incas. He tries to sort of present their culture in a way that in his mind, it might be seen sympathetically by the by Philip III.



Gary Urton: What he really wanted Philip III to understand was that it was essential for PhilipIII to stop the conquest, that the conquest was destroying the people of the Andes and destroying the culture. And so that was his sort of great objective in writing it. And he understood that the victor writes history and that it was essential if his story was to be told that he communicated clearly and that he'd have some effect in terms of bringing a halt to the conquest.


Zachary Davis: So it seems like some of the power of this book is that you have an indigenous person trying to take control of how he and his people are represented by foreign power.


Gary Urton: That's exactly it. Guaman Poma had read extensively and he knew the power of literature. He knew the power of history. He knew that those whose stories will eventually be told in time will be ones whose stories are written and are reproduced. And so that was the reason he wrote this, is that he wanted to give his account of what he thought about the world.


Zachary Davis: Guaman Poma planned to have The New Chronicle sent to Europe, where it would be printed and delivered to King Philip III. So, he carried his manuscript to Lima, the capital of Peru, and from there, he put it on a boat to Spain. But his account never made it to the king. Instead, the book ended up in a library in Denmark.


Gary Urton: And there it sat unknown until 1908 when a German scholar working in the archive in Copenhagen happened upon this manuscript, what with the drawings accounts for almost fifteen or sixteen hundred pages or so.


Zachary Davis: The book was published in France in 1944 and has been reprinted several times, including a 1980 publication in Mexico that includes both the original text and a Spanish translation.


How did the book change the world?


Zachary Davis: So if this book sat on a shelf in Copenhagen for four hundred years, how has it come to have an effect on the world?


Gary Urton: You could say there's a cottage industry in publications on Guaman Poma. Increasingly people are reading the book, paying attention to it, recognizing its significance in terms of how the indigenous world in the Americas was represented to Europeans, how people represented themselves to themselves, you know, how they told their own story and there’re very few accounts that even from indigenous North American people, from a colonial period that can compare with size, the complexity and the overall just information content, let's say, Guaman Poma’s New Chronicle and Good Governance.


Zachary Davis: It seems like it's a case of early anti-colonial literature.


Gary Urton: You can see it very much as sort of the first work of post-colonial literature, although it's still colonial. Right? It's written by a subordinate person in a colonial regime, but someone who is very aware of the constraints of power in a colonial setting, who is railing against that, who is struggling against it, trying to find ways, rhetorical ways and various other ways to sort of reconstruct the narrative of colonialism and to undermine the power of the colonizers.


Gary Urton: So, I mean, in a sense, it is and can be seen has not been seen so much so far as a guiding piece of literature related to post-colonialism and those sentiments and views opposing the colonial activities of Western Europe of the 15th, 16th century.


Zachary Davis: Yeah, and I think in recent decades and even years here in the United States, there's an increasing focus on letting communities themselves tell their own stories. And a recognition that it's no, we can't, there is no default neutral perspective. And it seems like this text is a very early version of that recognition.


Gary Urton: But of course, it's important to recognize that this was not being encouraged by the establishment, by the established structures of power. This was something that Guaman Poma was writing that came pretty much out of the blue. You know, from the bottom of the social ladder.


Gary Urton: The story of the Inca Empire, the accounts of the nature of Andean people known up to that time and to a large extent, still the principal story that gets told was told in the chronicles of the Spaniards. And so for the most part, those are ones that were sympathetic to the European conquest.


Gary Urton: They increasingly, as they were written in later colonial times, recognized the extraordinary nature of the Inca Empire, of its accomplishments in engineering, in the arts and crafts, in weaving, metallurgy, etc.. And so there certainly is an appreciation of the accomplishments of the Inca Empire. But still, the story is told from the point of view of Spaniards.


Gary Urton: At the time, it would have been quite explosive and probably there would have been an attempt to destroy every version of it or every copy of it or every sign of it. Right? Because it would have been considered seditious and extremely dangerous to the Spanish Colonial State.


Zachary Davis: There's something sad and a little bit expected that a work like this was left unread and ignored for hundreds of years.


Gary Urton: Right. That's of course, that's absolutely true. On the other hand, there's something extraordinarily interesting sort of in the long historical view about the fact that had it been known at that time, it might have been destroyed. So, I mean, perhaps it came to light when it was destined to come to light, which was at a time when it could be recognized for its power and for the message that it gives about the indigenous point of view, that the anti-colonialist point of view.


Gary Urton: So it comes to us now in a time in the beginning of the 21st century that's much more receptive to that message than, you know, probably would have been the case even when it was discovered in Copenhagen in 1908.


Zachary Davis: How has it changed our understanding of the Incan empire and entire South American peoples that it describes? It surely had quite an impact on the study of South America.


Gary Urton: Right. It had an extremely important impact on the study. When he tells us about, for instance, about the structure of the Inca political system, about the way that their decimal hierarchical system was organized, about the way they recruited labor for tribute, all the very sort of mechanisms whereby the Inca organized and ran the state over this extraordinary expanse of territory from Ecuador all the way down to Chile. He gives us a version of it that is often confirmed by other accounts, Spanish written accounts.


Gary Urton: In other cases, he gives us unique versions. And of course, then we have the problem of trying to understand which is the correct version. The book itself has informed studies in a tremendous range of fields, of study, of Latin American literature and anthropology and archaeology and political science. You know, he's very interested in astronomy and numbers and mathematics. And both in his illustrations and in his text there's material we can glean there that gives us a deeper understanding of Inca sciences as well.


Zachary Davis: Because part of the magic to me, when I can imagine this text is it's 400 years old and it's trying to describe a culture that was not written down. And so because there's so few other corroborating texts, you know, I imagine there's just these references that made sense to him and his context that now we has no way of knowing what he was talking about.


Gary Urton: Well, one of the things that he documents primarily here in his drawings, but to some extent in his writing as well, is the clothing, the dress of the Incas. There were about a dozen kings who ruled from the founding of the dynasty until the time until the arrival of the Spaniards. And so he shows us drawings of each one of those twelve kings. And in those drawings, he draws them with different kind of clothing and with different kinds of paraphernalia that they're holding. And in the drawings, then he's drawing highly, elaborately woven and embroidered three quarter length tunics. And it seems that there is a code that he's communicating in those about the nature and the status of the various kings.


Gary Urton: There's been a lot of work looking at such things. Certainly like directly at the apparel of not only the king, but the queen. So each king had his queen, who was the koya. And so there's a lot of attention, a lot of interest in what he understood to be the appropriate dress and with it the appropriate symbolic paraphernalia linked to the various kings and then how those changed over time. So that's one piece that's, you know, a very important part of the substance of the illustrations. Let's say it's not entirely understood today, but that is that we recognize is important that he was getting at something. He was very careful in how he constructed those drawings.


Zachary Davis: If you're at a cocktail party and someone asked you straight up, you know, how did this book change the world. How would you capture it in one or two sentences?


Gary Urton: I would say this book has yet to fully realize how it's going to change the world. As I said, it was lost for 350 to 400 years, just became known at the beginning of the 20th century. Its first widespread publication was only in the 1980s. The significance of it is increasingly understood. And I think that moving forward, and especially with the sort of sentiments of post-colonialism that we experienced today, that I think that it will, inevitably, I think we'll be taken up into the sort of intellectual tradition of thinking about and representing indigenous American cultures from an indigenous American point of view.


Gary Urton: And I think that as it sort of finds its way through the literature, through the academy and through popular culture in Latin America and globally, that it will be recognized as a book that gives us a unique and extraordinary view of this extraordinary part of the continent of South America before the time of the Spanish conquest.


Zachary Davis: It strikes me that this is a book that will be seen as one of the five to ten most significant foundational works of understanding the American experience.


Gary Urton: I would say it should be. I mean, if we look dispassionately across characterizations or representations of the American world in its indigenous form, as understood by indigenous Americans, I think it's one of the handful of books that can give us the deepest insights into that experience and into that state of being.


Zachary Davis: Guaman Poma didn’t succeed in ending the Spanish conquest. Peru remained a Spanish colony until 1821. But because the book was lost, he succeeded in his other goal: sharing the story of his people.


Zachary Davis: Writ Large is a production of Ximalaya. Writ Large is produced by Galen Beebe, Jack Pombriant, and me, Zachary Davis, with help from Feiran Du, Ariel Liu, Wendy Wu, and Monica Zhang. Our theme song is by Ian Coss. Don’t miss an episode. Subscribe today in the Ximalaya app. Thanks for listening.


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