



AM comes from theLatin amare, “to love.” The Roman god of love was known by two different names,Cupid and Amor. Amiable means “friendly or good-natured,” and amigo is Spanishfor “friend.”


AM来自拉丁语 amore,意思是“去爱(to love)”。罗马的爱神有两个不同的名字,丘比特(Cupid)和埃莫(Amor)。Amiable意思是“友好或者和善的(friendly or  good-natured)”,amigo 在西班牙语中表示“朋友”。



• Their relationswith their in-laws were generally amicable, despite some bickering during theholidays.




Amicable oftendescribes relations between two groups, or especially two nations—for example,the United States and Canada, which are proud of sharing the longest unguardedborder in the world. So we often speak of an amicable meeting or an amicablesettlement. When amicable describes more personal relations, it may indicate arather formal friendliness. But it's always nice when two friends who've beenquarreling manage to have an amicable conversation and to say amicablegood-byes at the end.


Amicable 经常用来描述两个群体之间的关系,尤其是两个国家间的关系。例如,美国和加拿大,该两国以拥有世界上最长的不设防的边境而自豪。所以,我们经常可以看见“an amicable meeting(一次和平的会议)”或者“an amicable settlement(一个和平的解决方案)”这样的说法。当 amicable 用于描述更为私人的关系时,常常意味着两人间的友善是正规而偏向拘谨的。但两个争吵不休的朋友想办法进行一次和平的谈话,并友好地与对方做个了断,也未尝不是一件好事。


enamored:Charmedor fascinated; inflamed with love.

• Rebecca quickly became enamored of the town's rustic surroundings,its slow pace, and its eccentric characters.


Rebecca 很快迷上了小镇田园乡村般的环境,缓慢的步调和它独特的个性。


Computer hackers arealways enamored of their new programs and games.

Millions of readershave found themselves enamored with Jane Austen's novels. And Romeo and Julietwere, of course, utterly enamored of each other. But we also often use the wordin negative contexts: A friend at work may complain that she's not enamored ofthe new boss, and when you start talking about how you're not enamored with theneighbors it may be time to move. (Note that both of and with are commonly usedafter enamored.)


计算机黑客总是会为新的程序和游戏着迷。成千上万的读者都为 Jane Austen的小说着迷。当然,罗密欧和朱丽叶也是完全迷上了对方。但 enamored 这个词也常常用于负面语境中:工作中的朋友可能会向你抱怨她不喜欢新来的老板,或者当你开始诉说自己有多不喜欢邻居的时候,或许是时候考虑搬家了。(注意:be enamored with/of 均可


amorous:Havingor showing strong feelings of attraction or love.

• It turned out thatthe amorous Congressman had gotten his girlfriend a good job and was paying forher apartment.




A couple smooching on a park bench could be called amorous,or a young married couple who are always hugging and kissing. But the word isoften used a bit sarcastically, as when a tabloid newspaper gets hold of somescandalous photos and calls the participants “the amorous pair.” In such cases,we may be encouraged to think the attraction is more physical than emotional.


公园长椅上卿卿我我的恋人可以被称作是“多情的(amorous)”,同样的,这个单词也经常用来形容拥吻的新婚夫妇。但是,这个单词常常带点讽刺意味,比如小报排到了一些丑闻照片,并将丑闻主角称为“多情的一对(the amorous pair)”。这时,我们常常倾向于认为两人间的吸引更多的是肉体上的而不是情感上的。


paramour:Alover, often secret, not allowed by law or custom.

• He had been comingto the house for two years before her brothers realized that he was actuallythe paramour of their shy and withdrawn sister.




Paramour came toEnglish from French (a language based on Latin), though the modern French don'tuse the word. Since par amour meant “through love,” it implies a relationshipbased solely on love, often physical love, rather than on social custom or ceremony.So today it tends to refer to the lover of a married man or woman, but may beused for any lover who isn't obeying the social rules.


Paramour 是从法语中衍生而来,尽管现代法语已经不使用这个单词了。Par amour 意思为“通过爱情(through love)”,它表示仅仅以爱为基础的关系,通常是肉体之爱,而不是基于社会习俗和仪式的爱情。现在,paramour 经常用来形容已婚夫妇的情人,即用来形容不遵守社会规则的相爱(例如,婚姻的第三者)。

