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The Johnsons realize that they have new neighbors. They visit the Taylors and say hello. The Taylors invite them in. They make spaghetti for the Johnsons to eat. The adults talk about the neighborhood. They also talk about what their jobs are. The kids all play in the Taylors' backyard. They get along well. The Taylors feel at home.
realize /ˈriːəlaɪz/ /ˈrɪəl/ v.理解;领会;认识到;意识到
new /njuː/ 美/nuː/ adj.刚出现的;新的;新近推出的
neighbor /'neɪbə/美/'nebɚ/n.邻居
visit/ˈvɪzɪt/ v. n.访问;拜访;看望;参观
invite/ɪnˈvaɪt/ v. n.邀请
in /ɪn/ prep. adv. adj. n.(某物的形体或范围)中;在…内;在…中
spaghetti /spəˈɡeti/ n.意大利细面条
adult/ˈædʌlt/ /əˈdʌlt/ n. adj.成年人
talk/tɔːk/ v. n.说话;讲话;谈话
about/əˈbaʊt/ adv. prep. adj.关于;对于
neighborhood /'neɪbə,hʊd/美/'nebɚ,hʊd/ n.街坊
also /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ 美/ˈɔːlsoʊ/ adv.而且;此外;也;同样
job /dʒɒb/ 美/dʒɑːb/ n.工作;职业;职位
kid /kɪd/ n. v. adj.小孩;年轻人
play /pleɪ/ v. n.玩耍;游戏;玩乐
backyard/ˌbækˈjɑːd/ 美/ˈjɑːrd/ n.后院
along /əˈlɒŋ/ 美/əˈlɔːŋ/ prep. adv.(与某人)一道,一起
well/wel/ adv. adj. exclamation. n. v.好;对;令人满意地
feel/fiːl/ v. n.觉得;感到;体会到
听友198670712 回复 @多多_zxm: 有啊~看不到么?
Joneson 拜访Taylor,怎么是Taylor feel at home?
用最浪漫的副歌 回复 @聪明的学渣呀: Taylor一家感到轻松自在不对吗?
feel at home真心没听出来
最后一句话,主播读的是不是“the Taylors be like home?”听了好几遍,感觉和文本不太一样
二阶16看来是被喜马拉雅“吃”了?! 不可思议。
1886844nbil 回复 @_OMG__: feel at home这个连读
The Johnsons realize that they have new neighbors.They visit the Taylor’s and say hello.The Taylors invite them in.They make spaghetti for the johnsons to eat. The scout what their jobs are.The kids all play in the Taylors backyard.They get along well.The Taylors feel at home.
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