

  • 听友103564010

    I once had an employee who was very careless ,he made tons of typos on every pages of reports he wrote ,and also sometimes send emails to wrong people .

  • 听友62183947


  • 李东军_s7

    What type of performance problems have you encountered in people who report to you,and how did you motivate them to improve? 在下属的工作表现方面,你曾经遇到过什么问题?后来你又是如何激励他们进行改善的?

  • 听友103564010

    Onetime he sent an email he was supposed to send a vender to our client, so I told him come up with the system that he would prevent such careless mistakes . He plays notesright on his computer to remind him double check emails address he was sending messages to.

  • 听友103564010

    He also began to review his reports three times instead of just once before he turned them into me. the numbers of the mistakes were greatly reduced, and re? are acceptable range,although he still make same mistakes

    Txfhyy 回复 @听友103564010: Within the acceptable range

  • _Iron_


  • 李东军_s7

    他在电脑上贴了一张便条,提醒自己不要忘记再次确认收件人是否正确。 He also began to review his reports three times instead of just once before he turned them in to me. 此外,在将报告交给我之前,他至少反复看过三次,而不是只看一次。 The number of mistakes was greatly reduced and within an acceptable range,although he still made mistakes. 虽然他还是会犯错误,但错误的数量已经减少到可接受的程度

  • 李东军_s7

    I once had an employee who was very careless-he made tons of typons on every page of the reports he wrote and also sometimes sent e-mails to the wrong people. 我曾经有一位非常粗心大意的员工。他写的报告每一页都有好多处打错的地方,有时发电子邮件还会弄错收件人。 One time he sent an e-mail he was supposed to send to a vendor to our client!

  • 9T41WELBJ2Z


  • 李东军_s7

    I once had an employee who was very careless-he made tons of typons on every page of the reports he wrote and also sometimes sent e-mails to the wrong people. 我曾经有一位非常粗心大意的员工。他写的报告每一页都有好多处打错的地方,有时发电子邮件还会弄错收件人。 One time he sent an e-mail he was supposed to send to a vendor to our client!