

  • 李东军_s7

    那是我第一次在高层主管手下工作。 He was the best boss I've ever worked for. 他是我所遇到的上司中最棒的一位。 The pace was fast and he was demanding,but I learned a great deal from him-organizational skills,industry knowledge,business acumen,professionalism and integrity,to name a few.

  • 李东军_s7

    虽然他是一位步调快,要求高的人,但是我从他身上学到了许多东西,如组织技巧,行业知识,商业智慧,专业精神以及诚实正直的品质等,实在不胜枚举。 It was almost an honor and reward to be able to work so closely with a competent executive like him.

    听友303031399 回复 @李东军_s7: Da ii o

  • 李东军_s7

    I enjoyed all the jobs I've had,but if I were to choose one,it would probably be when I worked as Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Marketing of EU Pharmaceuticals. 到目前为止,每份工作我都做得非常愉快。如果要我选择一个的话,那可能就是在EU制药公司担任的营销副总裁行政助理一职。 It was the first time I worked for a senior-level executive.

  • 李东军_s7

    能够这么近距离地与像他这样一位有才能的高级主管一起工作,简直是一种荣耀与奖赏。 By the time he became president,I was indispensable to him and continued to serve as Executive Assistant to him until he returned to his headquarters in Europe. 到他成为总裁的时候,对他而言我已经不可或缺。后来,我一直担任他的行政助理,直到他回到欧洲总部。

  • 李东军_s7

    Describe the best job you ever had. 请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作

  • 王庆伟_2c

    It was almost an honor and reward to be able to work so closely with a competent executive like him(能够这么近距离地与像他这样一位有才能的高级主管一起工作,简直是一种荣耀与奖赏).By the time he became president, I was indispensable to him and continued to serve as Executive Assistant to him until he returned to his headquarters in Europe(到他成为总裁的时候,对他而言我已经不可或缺,后来,我一直担任他的行政助理,直到他回到欧洲总部).

  • 王庆伟_2c

    He was the best boss I've ever worked for(他是我所共事的上司中最棒的一位). The pace was fast and he was demanding(虽然他是一位步调快,要求高的人), but I learned a great deal from him-organizational skills, industry knowledge, business acumen, professionalism and integrity, to name a few(但是我从他身上学到了许多东西,;如组织技巧,行业知识,商业智慧,专业精神以及诚实正直的品质等,实在不胜枚举).

  • 王庆伟_2c

    Answer: I enjoyed all the jobs I've had(我做过的每份工作都非常愉快), but if I were to choose one(但是一定要我选一个的话), it would probably be when I worked as Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Marketing of EU Pharmaceuticals(那可能就是在EU制药公司担任的营销副总裁行政助理一职).It was the first time I worked for a senior-level executive(那是我第一次在高层主管手下工作).

  • 王庆伟_2c

    Ask: Describe the best job you ever had(请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作).

  • jkfy

    competent executive