五道口44 | 哎呀撞衫了

五道口44 | 哎呀撞衫了





素材来源:摩登家庭第三季 Modern Family S3


1. overlap

撞衫,普通青年会说dress the same,时尚达人会说outfit clash,摩登家庭里可爱的Manny会说overlap。

Manny为打高尔夫精心打扮,前一天晚上搭配好衣服提醒自己的继父Jay不要撞衫,他说:Wanted to give you a heads-up in case there's some overlap.

overlap 可以做动词,名词,表示重叠,一致。在英语学习中,看同一个作家写的同一个系列文章能够提高词汇量,因为观点或者词汇常常能和之前的阅读重叠,It's helpful to read the books written by the same writer about the same topic because what you are reading will likely overlap with what you've learned before. 

2. a heads-up

a heads-up,指的是给某人提个醒,警告,注意heads有个s,并且有个连字符,做一个单数名词。

Thanks for the heads-up. 口语中很常用,表示多谢提醒。

你很想要去旅行,但是妈妈给了一个警告,因为期末考试成绩不好,暑假很有可能要学习不能去旅行:I plan to travel, but get a heads-up from my mom. Because I didn't do well in the final exam, I might have to take some lessons during the summer vacation. 一句话描述就是旅行热情遭遇警告,My travel enthusiasm is getting a heads-up. 

3. a touch of

touch “接触”,a touch of 可以表示a small amount of something,表示“少量的”。

剧中有一对gay couple,Mitchell and Cam,一天Mitchell赢得了一个奖杯,还做了一个既谦虚,又鼓舞人心,最后还有一点小幽默的获奖感言,Mitch是这么来描述的:He went up on stage, he gave a great speech. It was humble, inspirational with a touch of dry humor at the end.

形容一个人有一点不耐烦,一点生气:He answered that question with a touch of impatience and irritation. 

4. stand a chance

have a chance of doing sth = stand a chance.

他只靠自己是没有办法赢的:That kid doesn't stand a chance on his own.

chance前面通常还可以加形容词better,good,比如有一个文凭,你找到工作的机会更大:You'll stand a better chance of getting a job with a degree.

5. tag in/ baby sb/ give tips

tag in 本意指标记,这里理解为插手做某事;baby sb,baby做动词表示太关心某人,把他当小婴儿看待;give a few tips 给一点小建议。

当家长把你当小孩看,要插手你的事情的时候,我们就可以说:Don't baby me and don't tag in. I could use a few tips but I want to finish it by myself. 

