02. 地精佩比相助

02. 地精****




Brief Introduction:


Chapter 2

The castle’s library was dark, but the king knew what he was looking for: an ancient book filled with knowledge from centuries past. When he found it, he pulled it from the shelf and quickly flipped through (匆匆翻阅) the pages to the section (部分) he needed. In it was a drawing (画) of a troll (地精), which seemed to be holding the northern lights in its hands. In front of the troll, a wounded (受伤的) human lay quiet while the troll used the magic of the northern lights to heal him. The king turned the page and spotted (发现) a crumbling (破损的) document tucked (夹着) into the book. He carefully unfolded (展开) the yellowed (发黄的) map. 

Wasting no time, the king and queen threw on (披上) their cloaks (斗篷), bundled up (使穿得暖暖的) their daughters, and ordered that the horses be saddled (装上马鞍). The royal family hurried away from the castle. The queen traveled on her own horse with Elsa, while the king held Anna in his arms. The horses thundered (轰隆隆快速移动) up the mountain path. 

Kristoff and Sven were walking down the rocky (多岩的) mountain path under the bright glow of the northern lights. But as the rumble (隆隆声) of hooves (马蹄) filled the air, they moved aside, wary of (谨防) the approaching (临近的) horses. They watched the riders gallop (疾驰) past, leaving a trail (痕迹) of ice behind them. 

Curious, Kristoff and Sven followed the travelers to a ridge (山脊) above a mountain valley. The two hid behind a rock and watched as the horses whinnied (嘶鸣) and came to a stop (停下). 

The king and queen dismounted (下马). The king held a young girl to his shoulder; the queen held the hand of a slightly (稍微地) older girl. 

“Please, help!” the king cried out. “My daughter!” 

The hillside appeared empty at first. Then a pile of rocks rolled down the hillside. Suddenly, the rocks unfolded themselves into legs and arms and stood up, revealing (呈现) themselves to be small gray creatures— they weren’t rocks at all! “Trolls,” Kristoff whispered to Sven. 

At that moment, a rock next to Kristoff jumped up, turning into a short troll woman covered with moss (苔藓). Her name was Hulda (胡尔达). 

“Shush (嘘),” Hulda told Kristoff absently (心不在焉地). “I’m trying to listen.” Then, startled (受惊的), Hulda looked more closely (仔细地) at Kristoff, realizing for the first time that he was not a troll. Her face broke into a grin, and she reached out (伸出手) to give Kristoff and Sven big hugs. “Cuties (小可爱们)!” she said, laughing. 

In the valley, the king stood with his daughters as Pabbie (佩比), a very old troll, made his way through (穿过) the crowd to gaze at (凝视) the princesses. 

First he looked at Elsa. “Was she born with the powers or cursed (受诅咒的)?” he asked. 

“Born,” the king answered. “And they’re getting stronger.” 

The troll then turned his attention to Anna, who was still unconscious (昏迷). “You are lucky it wasn’t her heart that was struck,” he noted (指出). “The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded (影响,起作用).” He paused. “We should remove all the magic, even memories of magic, to be safe.” 

The king nodded. “Do what you must,” he said. 

With a gentle touch of his fingers, the troll pulled a series of glowing memories from little Anna’s head. The memories hovered (盘旋) in the air as the troll transformed (使…变化) them into more sensible (合情理的) scenes. Instead of a magical snowman in the ballroom (舞厅), Anna would now remember a winter scene in the courtyard (庭院). Instead of snowflakes in the hallway, she would remember snowflakes falling outside the window. All the magical moments she had shared with Elsa were gone, replaced with normal moments. The only remnant (残留) of her magical accident was the streak (缕) of white in her hair.

“There,” said Pabbie when he was finished. “She will remember the fun, but not the magic.” 

“She won’t remember that I have powers?” Elsa asked. 

“No,” Pabbie said. 

“It’s for the best (出于好意),” the king told her. 

“Listen to me, Elsa,” Pabbie said. “Your power will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also great danger.” 

As he spoke, the troll conjured up (变出) an image of an older Elsa in the sky. The image twirled (旋转) gracefully (优雅地), surrounded by beautiful snowflakes. 

Then, amid (在…中间) the northern lights, the snowflakes turned into sharp spikes (尖状物). The spectre (幽灵) of a crowd joined Elsa in the sky—the people used the icy spikes as weapons, attacking Elsa’s glowing effigy (雕像). “You must learn to control your power,” Pabbie continued. “Fear will be your enemy.” 

The king hugged Elsa close. “We’ll protect her,” he promised. “We’ll lock the gates. We’ll reduce the staff and keep her powers hidden from everyone … including Anna.”

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