07. 姐妹俩的破冰交谈

07. 姐妹******




Brief Introduction


Chapter 7

Later, at the coronation ball (加冕舞会), Elsa and Anna stood side by side in a long receiving (接待) line at the entrance to the Great Hall. Elsa felt relaxed, almost content (满足的), now that the most difficult part of Coronation Day (加冕日) was over. Festive (喜庆的) music filled the air as guests danced across the floor (舞池) of the lavishly (华丽地) decorated ballroom. 

“You look beautiful,” Elsa said to Anna. 

“Thank you,” Anna said in surprise. A smile spread across her face. Her sister had actually spoken to her! “You look beautiful-er (更美),” Anna replied. Then she realized how strange that had sounded and blurted out (脱口而出) an explanation. “Not that you’re fuller (更圆). No. Just more beautiful!” 

Elsa grinned. “Thank you.” Then she looked out at the crowded (拥挤的) ballroom. “So this is what a party looks like?” 

Anna nodded. “It’s warmer than I thought.” 

“All the people, I guess,” Elsa said. “And what is that amazing smell?” 

Both of them caught a whiff (一丁点) of a sweet aroma (气味) wafting (飘过) across the room. “Chocolate!” they exclaimed at the same time. Then they looked at each other and started laughing. 

Anna could hardly believe that Elsa was treating her so kindly. She was about to say more to her sister, but just then, a guest stepped up to be presented to the new queen and the princess. “The Duke of Weaseltown (猥琐屯公爵),” a royal attendant (侍者) announced (宣布). 

“Weselton,” the Duke corrected (纠正) him. Then he bowed his head. “As your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting (合适的) that I offer you your first dance as queen.” 

Elsa stiffened (紧绷) and clasped (紧握,扣住) her gloved hands together. “Thank you,” she said. “But I don’t dance.”

The Duke looked offended (被冒犯的), so Elsa quickly nudged (用肘轻推) Anna forward. “But my sister is a marvelous (非凡的) dancer.” 

Anna was a little startled, but she allowed the Duke to lead her to the dance floor. 

Unfortunately, the Duke was a horrible dancer. He couldn’t seem to take one step without crushing (踩) Anna’s toes. As he bobbed (快速摆动) up and down, his toupee (男用假发) bounced back and forth on his head—and he never stopped talking. 

“Bump-be-dump-bah (梆梆-当当)! Look at me!” he crowed (夸口). “This certainly makes up for (弥补) being shut out for twelve years for no reason (无缘无故地). Do you know the reason?” he asked Anna. “No? Well, watch this: like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly!” 

Anna cringed (畏缩) as the Duke danced around her like a dying peacock (孔雀). Then she caught sight of (看到) Elsa watching from the side of the room, barely (几乎不) able to keep from laughing. Anna shot (快速发出) Elsa a number of “help me” looks (“救救我”的表情), but there was no way out of it (无法逃脱). She was forced to finish the dance, much to Elsa’s amusement (逗乐). 

After the dance, Anna limped (挣扎着慢慢前进) back to Elsa. “Well, he was sprightly (有活力的),” said the queen with a smile.

“Especially for a man in heels (穿高跟鞋)!” Anna replied. Both sisters giggled. 

“Are you all right?” Elsa asked more gently. 

Anna smiled. “I’ve never been better,” she said, glancing into Elsa’s eyes. “This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time.” 

“Me too,” Elsa said wistfully (满怀希望地). Then she caught herself and stiffened. “But it can’t.” 

“Why not?” Anna asked, surprised at Elsa’s sudden change of attitude (态度).

Elsa tensed (变得紧张). “Because it can’t,” she said firmly (坚定地). 

Anna felt all her old disappointment (失望) rushing back (涌上来). “Excuse me,” she said. Elsa watched sadly as Anna walked away.

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