【试听】01. 冰雪滑道上的意外





Brief Introduction:


Chapter 1

In a grassy (长满草的) valley next to a deep fjord (峡湾), the castle of Arendelle lay silent in the night. The bright luster (光芒) of the northern lights danced (轻舞,闪烁) across the windows, waking a small girl. She sat up and grinned (咧嘴笑) to see the wonderful green light. 

The girl jumped out of bed and tiptoed (踮着脚尖走) across the room to wake her older sister. “Elsa, Elsa!” she said urgently (急迫地). “Wake up!” 

Elsa, who was eight years old, grumbled (咕哝) and ducked (躲避) under the covers (被子). “Anna, go back to sleep.”

But Anna wouldn’t give up. “I just can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake, and so we have to play,” she said. “Do you want to build a snowman?” 

Elsa’s eyes popped open (突然睁开). That got her attention. 

The girls were the daughters of Arendelle’s king and queen, and the best of friends. Elsa couldn’t resist (抵抗住) Anna’s begging. The sisters ran down the hallway (走廊) in their nightgowns (睡袍), laughing as they hurried along (赶快前行). Entering the Great Hall (大殿), where all the royal (皇家的) balls were held, they turned to each other. 

“Are you ready?” Elsa asked, smiling. 

“Yes, yes!” Anna cried, reaching out to tickle (挠痒痒) her sister. 

Elsa giggled, and suddenly, snowflakes (雪片) seemed to burst in a flurry (一阵) from her hands! 

Anna clapped (鼓掌) happily. She knew that her sister had a very special talent (才能): she could create snow and ice, even in the middle of summer! 

With a twirl (旋转) and a wave of her hands, Elsa magically summoned (召唤) her icy powers. Quickly, she filled the Great Hall with mounds (堆) of fluffy (松软的) snow, turning it into a winter playground. Then she stomped (跺脚) her feet and ice swept (延伸) across the floor. She laughed to see little Anna hopping around joyfully (快乐地).

Together, they went to work building their snowman. Anna did her best (尽力) to roll out (滚出) the snowman’s body. Then she ran to get a carrot for the nose. “Snowman!” she exclaimed proudly (自豪地). 

Elsa laughed at the lopsided (向一侧歪斜的) snowman. “Hi, I’m Olaf (奥洛夫),” she said in a deep voice, pretending to be the snowman. “And I like warm hugs.”

The girls danced around their funny snowman. 

Then Elsa gathered her icy magic and made a swooping (俯冲的) ice slide (滑道). Anna squealed (尖叫) with delight (快乐). She climbed to the top of the slide, then zoomed (急速移动) down and soared (高飞) up again along the icy curve (弯曲的滑道). Elsa quickly created another slide to catch Anna as she came down. The little girl gained (增加) speed and was tossed (抛) upward again. Elsa had to work fast to keep pace with (跟上) Anna. She kept making more slides so her sister could stay aloft (在高处) as she flew around the room. 

“Anna, slow down,” Elsa said, starting to get worried. “It’s too high!” 

But Anna was having fun. The little princess was fearless (无畏的), jumping and sliding to each new slide as quickly as Elsa made it. Elsa raised her hand to create the next slide, but suddenly, her foot slipped (打滑). As she stumbled (跌倒), her magic went awry (出错). Her frozen blast (强气流,此处指魔法波) caught the side of Anna’s head, right through her curls (卷发). 

Anna gasped and fell to the ground, unconscious (失去意识的). 

“Anna!” Elsa shouted, running to her sister. She lifted Anna up and felt her cold, shivering (抖动的) body. A lock (缕) of Anna’s hair had turned pure white where the magic had hit it. “Mama! Papa!” Elsa cried desperately (绝望地). 

As she called for help and her worry increased, icicles (冰柱) formed on the ceiling, and frozen spikes (尖状物) grew tall around the girls. 

The king and queen burst into (冲入) the Great Hall to find their daughters huddled (蜷缩) in a frozen landscape (风景). They knew that Elsa had a special ability to create ice, but this was more than they’d ever seen. “Elsa,” the king cried. “This is getting out of hand (失控)!”

“I’m sorry,” Elsa replied in distress (悲痛). “I didn’t mean it (我不是故意的)!” 

“Anna!” the queen gasped, and ran toward her little girl.

  • 西西婷婷


  • 甜兔少女


    听友390240439 回复 @甜兔少女: 我也是

  • 清浅灿然


  • zhangjerry

    头发好看开通第一天大家都可以写一份一份快递放一颗心回头看才想到分开一段痛苦人都可以随时有人看到信息顾虑重重口出狂言长春国贸分享一份款新款孕妇都可以推动体育课程产业开发出一份烤土豆咖啡喝茶出风口处透露出了韩国出差开会工程规划课程顾虑重重可以一看发现库存图查看屠夫,吃过了gu c tu lc lu cu

    听友220780179 回复 @zhangjerry: 57642785788575578557589 865

  • Daisy鲁


  • 芒果书吧


  • 1568682ypga


  • 听友292702533

    这样我 你是什么时候才能让 这些问题都是

  • PjBen

