08. 汉斯求婚了

08. 汉斯***




Brief Introduction


Chapter 8

Anna pushed through (穿过) the crowd of guests, and one of the dancers tripped into (撞入) her, knocking her backward. Someone grabbed her by the arms before she hit (碰撞) the floor. 

“Glad I caught you,” Hans said, smiling. 

“Hans!” she said, surprised. 

Hans lifted Anna back to her feet (重新站起), and the two immediately were drawn into the dance. Hans was an excellent (优秀的) dancer, and Anna was happy to let him guide her around the ballroom, twirling (旋转) her at just the right moments. She was amazed at (对…感到惊讶) how natural it felt. 

After that, she and Hans walked and laughed and danced some more. One hour turned into many hours of them talking and enjoying each other’s company (陪伴). 

Finally, they took a break and strolled (漫步) into the rose garden. Hans plucked (摘) a rose and placed it in Anna’s hair. As he did, he noticed the white streak (发缕) running down the side of her head. “What’s this?”

Anna put her hand to her hair. “I was born with (天生就有) it,” she told him. “Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll (地精).” 

“I like it,” Hans said. 

On the balcony, they sat on a bench and Anna taught Hans how to eat a krumkake (克鲁姆克). “Just bite it. The whole thing!” she said. The pair (两个人) laughed as the treat (款待的食物) crumbled (碎成粉末) all over Hans’s face. 

Hans told Anna about his family. “I have twelve older brothers,” he said. “Three of them pretended I was invisible (无形的) . . . for two years.” 

“That’s horrible,” Anna said. 

“It’s what brothers do,” he replied with a shrug (耸肩) . 

Anna smiled knowingly (会意地). “And sisters,” she added. “Elsa and I were really close when we were little. But then one day she just shut me out (拒之门外), and I never knew why.” 

“I would never shut you out,” Hans said, gazing into Anna’s eyes. 

Anna beamed (笑容满面). “Okay, can I just say something crazy?” she asked. 

“I love crazy,” Hans said with a wide grin. 

“All my life has been a series of doors in my face,” she said. “Then suddenly, I bump (撞见) into you!” Anna explained that she felt like she’d been waiting her whole life to meet him. And Hans agreed. He felt the same way! Anna couldn’t believe her good fortune (运气). At last, here was someone who understood her. Someone who was open to (乐于接受) new experiences and people, exactly the way she was. Hans was sweet, kind, and fun. They spent the rest of the party together, dancing, laughing, and discussing their pasts—and their futures, too. 

“Can I say something crazy?” Hans asked suddenly. “Will you marry me?” 

Anna gasped. “Can I just—ooh. I mean, yes!” She was amazed that she and Hans had found each other. She just knew that they were meant to be (命中注定). 

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