








一起玩味一下标题吧:Too close to the Son

The Vision Fund needs more governance


孙总说了算,愿景基金需要更多的监管。Too close to the Son,是一个谐音的双关,它让我们一下子想起了希腊神话里的伊卡洛斯,他弄了一双蜡做的翅膀,就往太阳飞。Too close to the Son本身,就是危险的意思。这里还扣合是文章的主题,因为该基金孙总一个人说了算,在投资人的角度看,很“危险”,需要更多监管。



Many sceptics dismissed the Vision Fund as a vast pot of tainted money squandered on hyped-up assets. 就是专门投泡沫资产的一桶脏钱。And by October last year it looked as if they were right. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist, cast Saudi Arabia and the fund into disrepute, while the shares of tech firms started to tank.Now, however, the Masa show is back on the road. The Khashoggi affair has receded and technology stocks have recovered.



Looking in from the outside, the first problem is“key-man risk”. As with Prince Muhammad’s reign, Mr Son’s rule at the fund is absolute. If he views a startup as sufficiently world-changing, next to nothing will stop him betting big.好漂亮的虚拟语气和倒装。 His is by far the strongest voice on the Vision Fund’s three-member investment committee, which has the final say on what is bought. That is because the other two members are his employees. The PIF can veto investments only if they are for over $3bn. 



The second worry is the potential for conflicts of interest between the Vision Fund and SoftBank, a giant conglomerate listed in Japan that Mr Son founded and still runs. In deals where the Vision Fund’s investment process takes too long, Mr Son has in the past used SoftBank’s balance-sheet to buy stakes in young companies which are in turn transferred to the Vision Fund. Often SoftBank makes a profit, as with Didi, a Chinese ride- sharing company, which it bought for $5.9bn in 2017 and will soon transfer to the Vision Fund for  $6.8bn. Very occasionally SoftBank makes a loss. 


虽然软银和愿景基金有共同利益,因为投资的是创业公司,所以监管上,会出各种各样的漏洞。Nonetheless SoftBank has too much scope to manoeuvre unlisted investments in high-growth but loss-making firms. Worse is the scant disclosure on how investments are valued, or how much cash the Vision Fund’s firms are burning up.



When Mr Son comes asking for more money, investors should make it clear that the time has come for his style to change.


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