2册-070.3 |【故事转述】如何讲述奇闻轶事:醉汉斗牛



1. 中英文逐句转述 


Last week , I watched an unbelievable show during a bullfight.


Out of nowhere, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.


Surprised by the unwelcome visitor, the crowd started to shout.  


But the crazy drunk seemed to be ignorant of the danger.  

【If someone is ignorant of a fact, they do not know it.】


Just at that moment, the bull was too busy with the matador to notice anyone else, but it soon caught sight of the drunk shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.


Apparently sensitive to such a provocation, the bull charged at the drunk, leaving the lonely matador at a loss.

【注意:provocation n.  来自动词provoke】


The entire ring suddenly became quiet and everybody was holding their breath --- everybody, that is , except the drunk.  


He seemed very confident about himself, continuously waving the cap.


As the angry bull was approaching the drunk, I could feel my heart in my throat (mouth).


However, to everybody's surprise, the drunk managed to move aside clumsily and let the bull pass.


As the crowd broke into loud cheers and applause , the drunk even proudly bowed.


But the drunk's show was soon interrupted by three big men who rushed to the ring and quickly dragged the drunk away.


Watching the drunk leaving the ring, even the bull seemed to be sympathetic, as it didn't turn its attention to the matador until the drunk was out of sight.  


Who on earth was the mysterious drunk?


It turned out that he was a retired matador who had been indulging in drinking since his retirement.   


He missed the ring so much that he couldn't help going back to the stage again.

2. 全英文转述 

Last week, I watched an unbelievable show during a bullfight. Out of nowhere , a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. Surprised by the unwelcome visitor , the crowd started to shout.  

But the crazy drunk seemed to be ignorant of the danger. Just at that moment, the bull was too busy with the matador to notice anyone else, but it soon caught sight of the drunk shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.

Apparently sensitive to such a provocation, the bull charged at the drunk , leaving the lonely matador at a loss. The entire ring suddenly became quiet and everybody was holding their breath --- everybody, that is, except the drunk.  

He seemed very confident about himself, continuously waving the cap. As the angry bull was approaching the drunk, I could feel my heart in my throat (mouth). However, to everybody's surprise, the drunk managed to move aside clumsily and let the bull pass.

As the crowd broke into loud cheers and applause , the drunk even proudly bowed.

But the drunk's show was soon interrupted by three big men who rushed to the ring and  quickly dragged the drunk away. Watching the drunk leaving the ring, even the bull seemed to be sympathetic, as it didn't turn its attention to the matador until the drunk was out of sight.  

Who on earth was the mysterious drunk? It turned out that he was a retired matador who had been indulging in drinking since his retirement. He missed the ring so much that he couldn't help going back to the stage again.

3. 东欣点评  你觉得斗牛残忍吗?

Bullfighting has a long history.

Bullfighting has existed in some form for thousands of years. A depiction of male and female acrobats fighting a bull can be seen in wall paintings in Knossos, Crete, dating back to 2000BC.

How does bullfighting work?

A bullfight usually features three matadors, each of whom fights two bulls. The bulls are of a savage breed specially trained to attack humans.  

Opening Parade  开场游行展示环节

Bullfights begin with an opening parade. The matadors and their supporting team walk around the ring in front of the crowds of cheering fans. After the participants take their places, a bull is released into the ring and the fight starts.

Cape Stage   斗篷斗牛环节

The cape stage is the first of the three parts in a bullfight.The bull charges at the cape and the matador must gracefully move aside at the last moment if he wants to gain the hearts of the audience.

Picador Stage  骑马斗牛士环节  (Picador /'pɪkədɔː/)

The picador stage is the second part of the bullfight. Picadors are bullfighters on horseback with protective armor(盔甲) and lances(长矛). Theytaunt the bull until it charges, at which points they stab the bull in the shoulders to anger it.

Killing Stage   宰杀环节

The bulls are usually killed at the end of the bullfights. The killing stage wraps up the bullfight. But if some bulls have displayed particularly brave behavior in the ring, they can be pardoned(赦免). The crowd uses white handkerchiefs to persuade the president of the bullring to let the bull live.

Why is bullfighting controversial?

To followers of bullfighting the contest between man and beast demonstrates human skill and courage. In Spain,some believe it is a sport and a proud national symbol.However, many people believe bullfighting is barbaric and inhumane. Surveys indicate that younger generations in Spain have shown less interest in bullfighting.

Bullfighting is banned in some areas of Spain.Therefore, it appears that bullfighting will still be around for years to come, but it may be limited to a few areas.

  • owenliubo

    I think Political Correct is too much now. Bullfighting is just a sport,the people who against it give too many meanings on the sport.

  • 曹哲宇2015

    I think the bull fight shouldn’t be held in the would. Killing the bull is so bad.I can’t bear it!!!

  • 韩英日in沈阳

    barbaric and cruel the bullfighting is omg

  • 握紧幸福_jv
