055 Level 2 花钱与省钱-跟读版

055 Level 2 花钱与省钱-跟读版


1. He spends a lot of money on gadgets and technology. 他在各种小玩意儿和科技产品上花了不少钱。

2. I am saving up for a holiday next year. / We are saving up to buy a car. 我正在存钱,打算明年去度假。/我们正在存钱打算买一辆车。

3. Do you like to splurge and treat yourself?  你喜欢花钱,犒劳自己吗?

4. My friends all make decent money, but they dont have much left.  我的朋友们赚的都不少,但是基本上也存不下什么钱。

5. I dont know if I will be able to make enough money to make ends meet. 我不知道自己是否能够赚到足够的钱做到收支平衡。

6. It will take us another ten years to pay off our mortgage.


7. The interest on our car is ridiculously high. 我的车贷利息离奇的高。

8. I never borrow money. I dont like being in debt. 我从来不借钱。我讨厌欠债。

9. He puts half of his savings into government bonds. 他把自己积蓄的一半都买了政府债券。

10. I bought Apple shares in 1988. I knew theyd take off one day. 我1988年购买了苹果的股份。我就知道有朝一日价格会起来的。

11. Money is nothing more than just numbers if you don’t spend it. 钱要是不花,那只是一堆数字而已。

