1. He spends a lot of money on gadgets and technology. 他在各种小玩意儿和科技产品上花了不少钱。
gadget-n. [ˈgædʒɪt] 小设备,小玩意儿
句子结构:N.+ spends a lot of money on +n.
Joe spends a lot of money on fancy cars.
Lucas spends a lot of money on cigars.
Marilyn spends a lot of money on cosmetics.
They spend a lot of money on clothes and shoes.
2. I am saving up for a holiday next year. / We are saving up to buy a car. 我正在存钱,打算明年去度假。/我们正在存钱打算买一辆车。
主语+ am / are saving up for +n. / to +v.
Danny is saving up to buy the latest model of Iphone.
Daniel is saving up to get a VIP ticket to Beyonce’s concert.
3. Do you like to splurge and treat yourself? 你喜欢花钱,犒劳自己吗?
splurge -v. [splɜ:dʒ] 糟蹋,挥霍
treat -v. [tri:t] 犒劳
句子结构:Do you like to +v. ?
Do you like to binge-watch TV series?
4. My friends all make decent money, but they don’t have much left. 我的朋友们赚的都不少,但是基本上也存不下什么钱。
地道词汇:decent money 收入颇丰
My friends all make decent money, but...
My friends all make decent money, but they can’t afford buying a house.
My friends all make decent money, but they are all incredibly stingy.
My friends all make decent money, but they don’t show off. / brag about it.
5. I don’t know if I will be able to make enough money to make ends meet. 我不知道自己是否能够赚到足够的钱做到收支平衡。
make ends meet /make both ends meet 收支平衡
句子结构:I don’t know if I will be able to make enough money to....
I don’t know if I will be able to make enough money to live out my dream.
I don’t know if I will be able to make enough money to start my own business.
I don’t know if I will be able to make enough money to send my child to private school.
6. It will take us another ten years to pay off our mortgage. 我们的按揭贷款还要十年才能还完。
mortgage -n. [ˈmɔ:gɪdʒ] 按揭贷款,抵押贷款
pay off [pei ɔf] 付清
句子结构:It will take + time +to
It will take me five years to pay off my student loan.
7. The interest on our car is ridiculously high. 我的车贷利息离奇的高。
句子结构:主语+is ridiculously high.
Tax rate in most European countries is ridiculously high.
8. I never borrow money. I don’t like being in debt. 我从来不借钱。我讨厌欠债。
句子结构:I never +v. I don’t like +动名词
I never drink alcohol. I don’t like being drunk.
I never ride elevators, I don’t like being cooped up in a small space.
9. He puts half of his savings into government bonds. 他把自己积蓄的一半都买了政府债券。bond-n. [bɑ:nd]债券
句子结构:主语+puts half of his savings into+n.
He puts half of his savings into stock market.
He puts half of his savings into BITCOIN.
10. I bought Apple shares in 1988. I knew they’d take off one day. 我1988年购买了苹果的股份。我就知道有朝一日价格会起来的。
地道表达法:take off 飞机起飞,价格飙升
11. Money is nothing more than just numbers if you don’t spend it. 钱要是不花,那只是一堆数字而已。
LISA: What do you think of Betty?
TONY: 她是那种从来不会亏待自己的人。
LISA: That’s interesting .
TONY: 你知道她把一半的积蓄都买了政府债券吗?
Lisa: Good Lord. That’s insane.
TONY: 她给我说她可不喜欢欠钱。
LISA: Nobody does.
TONY: 贝蒂赚的可不够花的。
LISA: Then I’d say she is completely crazy.
TONY: 我希望她能按时还完房子的按揭贷款吧。
LISA: What do you think of Betty?
TONY: She is the kind of person who treats herself very well.
LISA: That’s interesting .
TONY: Do you know she put half of her savings into government bonds?
Lisa: Good Lord. That’s insane.
TONY: And she told me she did not like being in debt.
LISA: Nobody does.
TONY: Betty does not even make enough money to make both ends meet.
LISA:Then I’d say she is completely crazy.
TONY: I just hope she could pay off her mortgage in time.
英语听说名师Derek 回复 @1805667hhfa: 前者严格意义是:按揭贷款,后者则是一般贷款泛称!范围大小的差距