Practicing The Power of Now - 03 of 04

Practicing The Power of Now - 03 of 04

  • 1815840gqeg

    Wake up.Get out of your mind.Be present.

  • LiliMili诗情

    Thank you so much , it's the most helpful book I had ever read. Love the voice too, so gentle , has a healing power.

    双语雪梨 回复 @LiliMili诗情: agree

  • 心中的画_7

    Accept yourself for not being at peace, the moment you accept your nonpeace, your nonpeace is transmuted into peace

  • 心中的画_7

    Don’t seek for peace, otherwise you will be in conflict

  • 心中的画_7

    That is forgiveness, in this way you become invulnerable

  • 心中的画_7

    Let anything that is unpleasant pass through you, as if there’s nobody gets hurt

  • 心中的画_7

    Imagine yourself as transparent, let negative feelings pass right through you

  • 心中的画_7

    Your mind thinks that your resistance can devolve the unhappy situation, but it is only a delusion

  • 心中的画_7

    Sometimes resistance triggers emotional pain body

  • 心中的画_7

    All negativity is resistance