What is it that you want out of life? What is it?We all want something. What is yours?
Visualize that thing you deeply want and now askyourself. How can I get it? When you visualize success against your fears, yourmind starts subconsciously building the will and the skills you'll need toachieve the results.
When you know and can visualize what it is you want,you have to prepare for it. You have to think long term and then educateyourself. But more importantly you have to practice. Practice and prepare forthe steps that are to come in achieving your goals. Chances are, you're notgoing to be lucky or win the lottery. But if you work hard and you never giveup, then you will succeed.
It was Thomas Jefferson who said, I find the harderI work, the more luck I seem to have. Put in the work. And you canbe guaranteed that you will have a breakthrough from that situation you'redealing with. And if ever you fail, dust yourself off and try again.
In the 1920s when a journalist asked Thomas Edisonhow it felt to fail 1,000 times in his attempt to invent the incandescent lightbulb, he replied, I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an inventionwith a thousand steps. That is the strength of will power and the desire tonever quit when failing.