1.freelance ['frilæns] n./v./adv./adj.自由职业者
free adj.自由的
lance n.长毛
例:Michael Cross is a freelance journalist. 迈克尔·克罗斯是一个自由新闻工作者。
例:He is now working freelance from his home in New Hampshire. 他目前在新罕布什尔州的家里从事自由职业。
2.inflation [ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n] n.膨胀;通货膨胀
前缀im-/in-:(1) 里面,进入。(2) 否定前缀
后缀-tion: 名词后缀
inflate [ɪn'fleɪt] v.膨胀;通货膨胀
例:...rising unemployment and high inflation. …上涨的失业率和高通胀。
3. deflation [dɪ'fleɪʃ(ə)n] n.放气;通货紧缩
前缀de-:(1)下,向下; (2) 远离,离开
后缀-tion: 名词后缀
deflate vv.放气;通货紧缩
例:Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry. 服装业开始出现通货紧缩。
4. substance ['sʌbstəns] n.物质;实质;本质
例:There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances. 绝对没有确保香烟不含有毒物质的规定。
例:It's questionable whether anything of substance has been achieved. 是否已取得任何实质性的进展值得质疑。
5. substantial [səb'stænʃ(ə)l] adj.大量的;实质的;物质的
-ance / -ant
ample adj.大量的
例:A substantial number of mothers with young children are deterred from undertaking paid work because they lack access to childcare. 很多有小孩的母亲找不到人照顾小孩,从而无法从事有薪工作。
6. hasty ['heɪstɪ] adj.匆忙的;草率的
单词haste:n. 匆忙;急忙;轻率
bloody adj.血的;冷血的;铁血的等
hate v.恨
例:In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment. 在仓促逃离上涨的河水时,他们丢弃了一些贵重设备。
例:A number of the United States' allies had urged him not to make a hasty decision. 美国的一些盟友都力劝其不要作出草率的决定。
7. interpret [ɪn'tɜːprɪt] v.口译,翻译;解释
前缀inter-: 在…之间
成分pret:(1) 扩展,传播;(2) 价值,推销
simultaneous interpreter 同声传译翻译员
simultaneous adj.同时的
interpreter n. 翻译员
translate v.翻译
explain v.解释的含义
例:The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as it's been passed. 法官很有理地说他必须按照法律被通过时的意义进行解释。
8. fraction [‘frækʃən] n.少量;分数
后缀-tion: 名词后缀
例:Here's how to eat like the stars, at a fraction of the cost. 这就是如何花少量钱却能像明星一样吃喝的方法。
例:The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions. 学生们掌握了小数、百分数和分数。
9. decimal ['desɪm(ə)l] adj.小数的;十进制的。n.小数
December n.十二月
September n.九月
October n.十月
例:The mathematics of ancient Egypt were based on a decimal system. 古埃及数学以十进制为基础。
例:simple maths concepts, such as decimals and fractions. 简单的数学概念,如小数和分数。
10. romance ['rəʊmæns] n.浪漫故事;恋爱;浪漫情调
Romance languages 罗曼诸语言, 罗曼语
romantic adj.浪漫的,爱情的,有浪漫色彩的,浪漫主义的
例:After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July.在旋风式的恋爱之后,这对情侣在7月宣布定婚。
例:Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances. 她喜爱的小说类型是厚重的历史爱情小说。