1.contrast ['kɒntrɑːst] [kɒn'trɑːst] n.对比;差别。v.对比,对照
[固] by contrast/ in contrast (to) 对比/对照之下
例:The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance. 两位来访者的外貌有惊人的不同。
例:The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend. 私营部门相比之下有很多钱可花。
例:...a television with brighter colours, better contrast, and digital sound. …一台色彩更亮丽、颜色对比度更好、配有数字音响的电视。
2. contradict [kɔntrə'dɪkt] v.反驳;矛盾
dictionary n.字典,词典
A contradict B A与B矛盾。
例:She dared not contradict him.她不敢反驳他。
例:Her version contradicted her daughter's. 她的说法与她女儿的说法相矛盾。
3. trend [trend] n./v.趋势;倾向
例:This is a growing trend. 这是一个不断增长的趋势。
例:The price of the shares trend to go down. 股票价格趋于低迷。
例:Fashion trend 时尚潮流
4. extend [ɪk'stend; ek-] v.延伸;伸出
exit n.出口
emit v.投射,发射。
stretch out/spread out 向外延伸,四处延展
例:They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours. 他们已经将最后期限延长了24小时。
例:The man extended his hand: "I'm Chuck." 这位男士伸出了他的手:“我是查克。”
5. honor [ˈɒnə(r)] n.荣誉;名望;尊敬;贞.节等。v.给予尊敬或荣誉或地位等
例:This is about honor and morality. 这是有关荣.誉与道.德。
例:He violated my daughter’s honor. 他毁了我女儿的贞.节。
6. honorable ['ɔnərəbl] adj.荣幸的;可敬的;高贵的
readable adj.可读的,易读的。
[固] honorable members 荣誉会员。
[固] honorable mention 优秀奖;鼓励奖
例:There are many good, decent, honorable men and women who are stockbrokers and investment advisers. 在股票经纪人和投资顾问者中间不乏有好的,正直的,受人尊敬的人们。
7. appendix [ə'pendɪks] n.附录;附加物;阑尾
前缀ap-: 前缀ad-的变形,AXX结构,(1) 强调;(2)朝向, 接近
后缀-ix: 名词后缀
例:The survey results are published in full as an appendix to Mr. Barton's discussion paper. 该调查结果作为巴顿先生的讨论报告的附录被全文刊出。
例:a burst appendix. 一个爆裂的阑尾。
8. object ['ɔbdʒekt] v.反对。n.目的;物体;宾语
前缀ob-: (1)朝向,接近; (2)反,反对,对比对照; (3) 越过,跨过; (4) 下,向下
[固] sth is no object sth是不成问题的,sth是不重要的
例:He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the horizon. 他眯着眼睛,好像在研究地平线上的某个物体。
例:The object of the exercise is to raise money for the charity. 此项活动的目的是为慈善筹款。
例:The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French. 她憎.恨的对象是24岁的模特罗斯·弗伦奇。
例:A lot of people will object to the book. 很多人会反对这本书。
例:Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work. 卡伦反对说,他职员少,将无法应付增多的工作。
9. objection [əb’dʒekʃ(ə)n] n.反对
单词object: “v.反对”
后缀-tion: 名词后缀
例:I have no objection to banks making money.
10. reject [rɪ'dʒekt] n.被弃之人;次品。v.拒绝;摒弃;排斥
前缀re-:(1) 回,往回; (2) 反复; (3)反,反对,对比对照
10. reject [rɪ'dʒekt] n.被弃之人;次品。v.拒绝;摒弃;排斥
前缀re-:(1) 回,往回; (2) 反复; (3)反,反对,对比对照
例:His rejection of our values is far more complete than that of D. H. Lawrence. 他对于我们价.值.观的摈弃远比D. H.劳伦斯更彻底。
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