1. gauge [geidʒ] n./v.测量
后缀-ge: 多词性后缀,可做形容词/动词/名词后缀
例:He gauged the wind at over thirty knots. 他测量出风速为30节以上。
例:...temperature gauges. …温度计。
2. pole [pəʊl] n.杆子;极
例:The truck crashed into a telegraph pole.卡车撞上了电线杆。
例:The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum. 这两位政治家代表了各种政治倾向中的两个极端。
3. post [post] n.杆状物;岗位;邮政,邮件。v. 张贴;邮递
lamp post 路灯
direction post 指路牌
post office 邮局
high post 高位,高级职位。
rapidly 快速地,迅速地
post information on the Internet 在网络上发布消息
keep sb posted,让某人及时获知信息
例:Officials began posting warning notices. 官员们开始张贴警示布告。
例:There was no post except the usual junk addressed to the occupant.
4. poster ['pəʊstə] n.海报;招贴画
后缀-er: 形容词/名词后缀
例:I had seen the poster for the jazz festival in Monterey. 我已经见到了蒙特雷爵士音乐节的海报。
5. pillar ['pɪlə] n.柱子;核心
column 柱子
例:the pillar of a system,一个体统的中流砥柱/这个系统的核心
例:...the pillars supporting the roof. …支撑屋顶的柱子。
6. stake [steik] n.(尖头)木桩;火刑;赌注, 利益关系。v.宣称所有权;打赌
stake out v.监视;放置在一边
sth is at stake sth得失难料。
例:The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake. 一场成败如此难料的比赛紧张度自然很高。
例:The game was usually played for high stakes between two large groups. 这种游戏通常是两大组人为赢得大的赌注而进行的。
例:He has staked his political future on an election victory. 他已把他的政治前途赌在了一次选举获胜上。
7. stick [stɪk] n.棍;棍状物。v.刺,戳;粘贴;伸出
dried sticks 柴火树枝
drum sticks 鼓槌儿
stick out 伸出去
stick in 插进来
stuck stick的动词过去式/adj.被卡住的”
例:He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his stick. 他身着灰色西服,吃力地倚着手杖。
例: I think someone has got the wrong end of the stick. They should have established the facts before speaking out. 我想有人误解了。他们本应该在查证事实之后再发表意见。
8. tick [tɪk] n.滴答声;勾号。v.滴答声;打勾
例:A wind-up clock ticked busily from the kitchen counter. 一个上了发条的时钟在厨房案台上不停地嘀嗒作响。
例:To request your free gift, please tick the appropriate box below. 需要免费礼品的,请在下面相关的框中打勾。
9. ticket ['tɪkɪt] n.票;罚款单
成分tick:代表单词 stick
permission ticket 入场劵
train ticker 火车票
airplane ticket 飞机票
lottery ticket 彩票
price ticket 价签
例:Slow down or you'll get a ticket. 开慢点儿,否则你会接到一张罚款通知单。
10. etiquette ['ɛtɪkɛt] n.礼节;礼仪
例:This was such a great breach of etiquette, he hardly knew what to do.这是一起规矩的严重违反,他几乎不知所措了。