


The government shutdown(关闭)ended after only 10 air traffic controllers(空中交通管理员) stayed home

(CNN) On January 24, it seemed like the partial (局部的)government shutdown would go on forever, leaving more than 800,000 federal workers in unpaid limbo(不稳定的状态). But on January 25 -- the 35th day of the longest-ever federal shutdown -- something changed: 10 air traffic controllers decided to stay home.


The absence(缺乏)of those few workers -- six in northern Virginia(弗吉尼亚州) and four in Florida, numbers not previously reported -- temporarily shut down travel at New York's La Guardia airport(纽约拉瓜迪亚机场) and causeddelays(延误)at other major hubs(运输中心), including in New Jersey, Philadelphia and Atlanta.


Their actions, along with staffing(人员) issues already brewing(酝酿,计划)at the Transportation Security Administration(运输安全管理局), helped tip the scales(起决定作用in Washington, driving President Donald Trump to agree to athree-week cease-fire(停火)


With the threat of another shutdown looming(逼近,临近) if adeal is not made by Feb. 15, the impact of these 10 controllers shows both the power of individual workers and the vulnerability(脆弱) of an aviation system(航空系统)that directly affects daily life throughout the country.

In many workplaces, 10 people calling out sick would not dramatically interrupt(中断) a work day. But these controllers are highly trained for a specific function and cannot be easily replaced.


For aviation experts, the impact that those controllers calling out sick had in a few hours was not surprising.

"Ten people causing significant air travel problems sounds perfectly reasonable, particularly when you consider the towers(控制塔) they work inhandling travel in some of the busiest airspace," CNN aviation analyst and former managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board(国家运输安全委员会)Peter Goelz told CNN.



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