


Weather Channel(天气频道)app sued over alleged(声称的)mining(挖掘) of users' data

(CNN) - The city of Los Angeles has sued to stop theoperator(经营者) of The Weather Channel's mobile phone application from allegedly "covertly(秘密地)mining the private data of users and selling the information to third parties, including advertisers(广告商)."

"We're acting to stop this alleged deceit(欺骗)," Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer said Friday in a statement. "We allege TWC (The Weather Channel) elevates(提升,提高)corporate profits over users' privacy, misleading them into allowing their movements to be tracked, 24/7."

Defendant(被告) TWC Product and Technology, asubsidiary(子公司) of IBM, disputes the claims.

"Weather Company has always been transparent(透明的,公开的)with use of location data; the disclosures(披露) are fully appropriate, and we will defend(辩护) themvigorously(尽力的),"IBM spokesman Saswato Das told CNN.

The complaint contends(主张) that "for years, TWChasdeceptively(虚伪地) used its Weather Channel APP toamass(累积) its users' private, personal geolocation(定位) data -- tracking minute details about itsusers' locations throughout the day and night, all the while leading users to believe that their data will only be used to provide them with 'personalized local weather data, alerts and forecasts.'

"TWC has then profited from that data, using it andmonetizing(货币化)it for purposes entirely unrelated to weather or the Weather Channel App. In fact,unbeknownst(毫无告知) to its users, TWC's core business(核心业务) is amassing and profiting from user location data."

The suit was filed Thursday in state court(州法院) on behalf of Californians.



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