


2019 is the year the streamingwars(网剧平台之争)get real

London (CNNBusiness) For cord cutters(有线电视终结者)and streaming lovers(网剧爱好者), 2019 will mean two things: A raft of newstreaming services will hit the scene, and users will see major changes toviewing libraries(资源库).

Two major newstreaming services will launch this year from Disney (DIS) and WarnerMedia(华纳影视), the parent company of CNN. That meansmore movies, TV shows and originals(原创剧), but alsogreater stratification(细分).

Here's what tolook out for in 2019.

Netflix getsbigger, but loses key shows.

Netflix (NFLX)remains he undisputed(无可争议的)king ofstreaming. But many of the service's most popular shows are licensed(购买许可)from other providers. "Friends,"which is owned by WarnerMedia, is one example.

As new streamingservices come online and licenses expire(到期), you might runinto holes when searching for your favorite shows on Netflix.

This year will seethe unveiling(揭幕) of highly-anticipated new direct toconsumer streaming services by some of the oldest names in media. Both Disneyand WarnerMedia are expected to launch services later in 2019.

Disney+ willfeature content from its own vast library, as well as from popular brandsincluding Pixar(皮克斯), Marvel(漫威), Star Wars(星球大战), and NationalGeographic(国家地理). Thousands of ABC network television show episodes(剧集) will be available.

Hulu(Hulu网,美国视频网站), which will soon be 60%, owned by Disney, alsofeatures in the entertainment giant's plans. CEO Bob Iger says he wants toexpand the streaming service into international markets. (WarnerMedia has a 10%stake in Hulu.)

The streamingservice from WarnerMedia, which is owned by AT&T (T), will feature three tiers(层级): An entry level(入门级) service willbe focused on movies, while a premium version(优先版本)will includeoriginal programming along with "blockbuster"films(银幕大片).

Apple's foray(初次涉足)into streaming is likely to hit sometime in the firsthalf of the year.

CNBC(美国全国广播财经频道)reportedin October that Apple's new digital video service will be automaticallyinstalled on Apple devices and will feature free original content, as well asaccess to other services.

Apple (AAPL) executives(高管)have also publicly said that they willfocus on a few quality shows, hiring big names like Oprah(奥普拉,著名主持人) and Reese Witherspoon(瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,美国女影星), and they won't be jumping in with dozensof new series.

While the companymay not be investing at the same level as Netflix, its position as both adevice maker and content creator could prove to be a valuable one.

Not all willsurvive. Popular niche(利基的,小众的)streamingservices, like the WarnerMedia classic film platform FilmStruck and DramaFever,a service from Warner Bros(华纳兄弟). thatspecialized in Korean dramas, shut down(倒闭)in 2018.



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