《找到你》:每一位妈妈都是 Superwoman!

《找到你》:每一位妈妈都是 Superwoman!





[ 英文参考 ] 

The movie is about Li Jie, played by Yaochen, who’s a lawyer and a working mother, she’s going through a divorce. She hires a babysitter, Sun Fang, played by Ma Yili, who later kidnapped her daughter.

The three mothers in the film represents three types of women in the society. 

I even felt having a child is the most selfish thing on the planet. It’s using someone else’s life to complete your own. 


 People talk about the nobility of a mother’s love. 


But actually a mother’s love for her child is just bearing the consequences of her won choices. The one who really deserves gratitude is the child.


They help their parents to grow, and for allowing us to feel a completely unencumbered /,ʌnɪn'kʌmbɚd/ love that we would even be willing to die to protect. It’s a kind of freedom.

Encumber是阻碍,拖累的意思。unencumbered也就是毫无阻碍、无戒备的,unencumbered love, 毫无戒备的爱。


Our era demands so much from women. If you choose to become a career woman, some people will say, you neglect your family and are a bad mother.

If you choose to become a full-time mother, some people will think having children is a woman’s natural duty, and doesn’t count as a career.

The fact is, because I worked hard, I had the right to choose. And because I had a child, I learned the meaning of life. And had the courage to face the hardships of life.

Mother Is Superwoman - by Captain Herbert

She hugs me when I am crying
She makes me calm when I am worried
She teaches me when I am asking
She helps me when I am in trouble

She smiles at me even she looks tired
She tells stories even she looks sleepy
She sleeps late and wakes up too early

My mom has full of problems But she always says she's alright
Sometimes she’s frustrated to discipline
But I see her kneeling down to pray for our family

She’s weak but trying to be strong
She has long patience but got angry
She’s all around in cook, laundry, dishwasher, cleaners, everything
She’s superwoman to handle our things to shape and mold us to face world’s reality.


  • Joeylala

    想起了一首好棒的儿诗《选妈妈》 你问我 出生前在做什么 我说我在选妈妈 看见你 觉得特别好 就来到了你身边。

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @Joeylala:

  • 迟之楠


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @迟之楠: 嗯呢

  • 我行我素的天鹅


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @我行我素的天鹅: 哈哈 一听就是很棒的妈妈噢

  • fairydream


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @fairydream: 么么哒!国庆出去玩儿偷懒了呜呜

  • 画梦女孩


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @画梦女孩: 美式哈

  • 6e0ymc5f8eto46fdcaiq


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @6e0ymc5f8eto46fdcaiq: 谢谢你

  • 心雨_avo


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @心雨_avo:

  • 大大满满

    作为两个孩子的妈妈,觉得为孩子一切都是应该的,也要尽力做到最好。听完这首诗觉得应该暂时跳出来看一下自己的付出,也再审视一下这种毫无保留的爱,自己竟是如此伟大,to super mother.

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @大大满满: 为您点赞!

  • 佩奇同学鸭


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @佩奇同学鸭: 好呢我注意

  • 马加贝子


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @马加贝子: 早!是呀 难得长假