初阶 003.8丨歌剧院的幽灵:克里斯廷·达埃哪儿去了

初阶 003*********************



Hello, everyone! Welcome to bookworm reading time.上期节目里,我们说到Christine告诉了Raoul,the Opera Ghost其实是一个名叫Erik的男子,而且Erik也爱上了Christine。




“She’s only a little opera singer. Are you still going to love her in ten, or twenty years’ time?” Raoul drank his coffee and did not answer.


* coffee:这本书里两次提到了早餐,一次是La Carlotta坐在床上读幽灵的信,一次就是这里Philippe和Raoul的谈话。两次早餐里都出现了咖啡coffee这个词,可见咖啡是当时人们早餐里必备的饮料。

* 这里我们来看几个关于咖啡的有趣表达:fresh coffee,fresh的意思是新鲜的,而fresh coffee的意思是现磨咖啡。与之相对应的是instant coffee,instant的意思是立刻的,所以instant coffee就是速溶咖啡,很快就能冲好的咖啡。

还有一种咖啡叫black coffee,意思是不加奶和糖的咖啡,有时候我们叫它清咖啡或者黑咖啡。

* breakfast:说完了咖啡,我们来聊聊西方人早餐一般吃什么吧。在比较多的是bread(面包)、jam(果酱)、fruit(水果)和coffee(咖啡)。不同的国家有时候有不同的爱好。例如英国人很喜欢喝茶,很多人早餐的时候喝茶而不是咖啡。

* 而且英国还有一种特别丰盛的早餐,叫做full English breakfast。它通常包括bacon(培根)、egg(鸡蛋)、fried tomatoes(炸土豆)、fried mushrooms(煎蘑菇)、bread(面包)and sausages(香肠)。

Armand和Firmin更不高兴。There were two more unhappy faces in the Opera House. They didn’t want any more accidents.于是他们不得不满足the Opera Ghost的所有条件:Box 5 is free for O.G., Daaé is singing Margarita, and 20,000 francs.


The chandelier was back in place, with new ropes. And, People knew about the love story between Daaé and Raoul. There are no love secrets in Paris! People watched Philippe and Raoul in Box 14 with interest. Young men from families like de Chagny do not marry opera singers.

* in place:在正常的地方,回到了它自己的地方。我们试着跟着这个例子来造自己的句子。The chairs are all in place.意思是椅子都在合适的地方。需要注意的是,如果in place 后面加上of sb/sth,意思就会变成取代某人或某物。例如use honey in place of sugar,意思就是用蜂蜜代替糖。

* interest:兴趣。对某事有兴趣我们可以说have an interest in sth. 或者take an interest in sth. 如果没兴趣可以直接说have no interest in sth.

Christine的演出开始了。She sang like an angel. Ah, what a voice! 可是突然又有一些情况发生了,所有的灯光都熄灭了,every light in the Opera House went out. 等灯光再度点亮的时候,Christine不见了,哪儿都找不到她。

* what:what可以用来引导强调句。例如What a voice!虽然没有任何形容词,但意思是多么美妙的声音啊。有时候说一个人非常man,可以说 what a man!

又发生了意外了,所有人都疯了。The Opera House went mad. In the director’s office, people ran in and out. 这时Madame Giry带着她的女儿Meg来到了经理们的办公室,告诉大家,有三个人失踪了。There are three people missing now!

* miss:之前我们说过,miss做名词的时候用在姓或者全名前面,意思是小姐,也就是未婚的女士。除此以外,miss还可以表示选美比赛的冠军,例如世界小姐的英文就是Miss World

当然,今天我们遇到的:there are three people missing now 里面的missing意思是失踪的,丢失的。例如丢了的信件我们可以说the missing letter。


'When the lights went out, we were just behind the stage. We heard a scream—I think it was Christine Daaé's voice. Then the lights came back on, but Christine wasn't there! We were very afraid, and we began to run back to our dressing room. 

There were people running everywhere! Then we saw the Vicomte de Chagny. His face was red and he was very angry. "Where's Christine? Where's Christine?" he shouted. 

Suddenly the Persian came up behind him and took his arm. He said something to the Vicomte and they went into Christine Daaé's dressing-room. We looked into Christine Daaé's dressing-room, but, but there was nobody there!'


同学们,你们听懂了吗?失踪的三个人分别是Christine Daaé:the lights came back on, but she wasn’t there.

第二个人是Vicomte de Chagny,也就是Raoul。还有一个人是the Persian那个波斯人。He came up behind Raoul and took his arm. He said something to Raoul and they went into Christine Daaé’s dressing-room.


故事发生到这里尽管经理们满足了the Opera Ghost的要求,可是怪事依然发生了!演出过程中灯光突然熄灭,然后三个人失踪了,分别是Daaé,Raoul还有那个神秘的波斯人。

Where did they go?在下期节目里,我们不仅会告诉大家他们的去向,the Opera Ghost还会和Raoul以及the Persian展开一场较量。究竟谁才是最后胜利者呢?让我们下期节目揭晓吧。See you next time! Wish you a lovely day.

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