初阶 004.3丨悲惨世界:珂赛特

初阶 004***********



Hello!大家好。欢迎回到《悲惨世界》。在上集里,我们讲到Jean Valjean受到主教感化后,改邪归正,隐姓埋名在Montreuil开了一家工厂。因为路见不平帮助Fantine,却被Inspector Javert发现。最后Fantine在绝望中去世,而Jean Valjean也再次逃走。







尽管Jean Valjean逃走了,但Fantine临终前的话却一直记在他心里:’Please take care of Cosette, please …’。于是Jean Valjean决定去找Cosette。


Cosette被寄养在德纳蒂夫妇家里。他们住在一个叫做Montfermeil的村庄里。那里离巴黎不远,但是却没有水源。The nearest water was a small river in a wood fifteen minutes’ walk away.


* Montfermeil:巴黎东部的一个小村镇。距离巴黎不到20公里。

* wood:除了指木头外,还可以表示森林。例如在森林里散步我们可以说take a walk in the woods。此外,woodland可以表示林区的意思。

* fifteen minutes’ walk away:走路15分钟。如果说开车15分钟的话,可以用fifteen minutes’ drive away。


1823年的一个漆黑的冬夜,德纳蒂太太派Cosette去河边取水。She sent Cosette out to the river for water. Cosette ran to the river and then, with her heavy bucket of water, she began to walk home. The trees were noisy tonight, whispering and laughing at her, and the little girl began to cry.


* bucket:桶。英文里有一个很有意思的词组叫做bucket list。意思是梦想清单,也就是想要在今生完成的所有事情的列表。你有自己的bucket list吗?

* noisy:嘈杂的。之前学过sound声音,voice说话的声音,noise杂音。这里的意思是风吹过树叶的“唰唰唰”的声音。

* whispering and laughing at her:这里是拟人的说法。嘈杂的风声就好像是在嘲笑某人。laugh at sb.意思是嘲笑某人。


突然,一个穿着黄色大衣的人出现了,他接过了Cosette的水桶。可能是默契或者别的什么吧,Cosette was not frightened of the big man, not a bit.


* be frightened of:害怕。以前学过be afraid of,frightened的程度比afraid 更强烈一些。例如be frightened of spiders意思就是害怕蜘蛛。

* not a bit:一点也不。


这个陌生人和Cosette一起去见德纳蒂夫妇。快到家的时候,Cosette对他说:‘Can I carry the bucket now? I can’t ask people for help, Madame says. She hits me when I do that. She hits me all the time.’


* ask for help:ask除了有提问的意思以外,还可以表示请求。ask for help意思是请求帮助。

* hit:打。hit sb.意思是打某人。如果想说狠狠地打了某人,这时侯又可以使用hard这个形容词,也就是hit sb hard。


陌生人把水桶还给了Cosette。当他们到了德纳蒂夫妇的家里,陌生人看清了Cosette的样子。He saw her thin clothes, her dirty hair, and her big frightened eyes. She was small for her eight years. Her hands were red from kitchen work, and she had no shoes.


* thin:这里的thin是指衣服薄。除此以外,thin还可以指液体浓稠度不高,也就是稀。例如a thin soup意思就是汤很稀不是浓汤。它的反义词是thick,a thick soup意思就是浓汤。

* kitchen work:厨房里的工作。housework意思是家务。例如When my dad is away, I do housework。


陌生人看到这样的场景很生气,他掏出1500法郎放在桌子上说:’ I am here for Fantine, the child’s mother. Fantine is dead, so you can get no money from her. Here is 1500 francs. I’m taking the child away.’


Cosette头也不回的和陌生人走了,她一点都不想再见到德纳蒂夫妇。没错,这个陌生人就是Jean Valjean。Cosette put her cold little hand into Valjean’s great hand, and looked up into his face. ’Monsieur, can I … can I call you father?’


‘Yes.’ Valjean从来不知道什么是爱,但此时此刻,he felt a father’s love for this small child.


他们来到了巴黎,生活的很幸福。Cosette learnt to laugh, and to sing like a bird, and to be happy. Jean Valjean learnt to be father and mother to this child, and he loved her dearly.

* dearly:非常。love her dearly意思就是love her very very much。


不过他们经常搬家,只在晚上出门。因为inspector Javert也搬到了巴黎。一天,Valjean在河边看到了Javert。第二天,Valjean就带着Cosette搬家了。

The school gave Valjean a job as a gardener, and he lived in a little house in the big gardens. Cosette lived in the school. But every day she came to the gardener’s little house for one hour. They talked and they sang, and they read books. It was the happiest hour in the day for her and for Jean Valjean.


* a job as:什么样的工作。He got a job as a teacher.意思就是他得到了一份教师的工作。

* garden:花园。gardener:园丁。



故事进展到这里,有了非常美好的生活。每一天Jean Valjean和他的女儿都能在花园里面 度过一个小时非常欢乐、充满爱的时光。好啦,今天的故事就要告一段落了。Jean Valjean用1500法郎帮助Cosette从德纳蒂夫妇的魔爪中摆脱出来。他自己又当爹又当妈照顾着Cosette。他们生活在巴黎,后来搬到了一所女子学校里。虽然他们每天只能有一个小时的时间独处,但那是他们一天里最快乐的时光了。


So the years passed。时间就这么一年一年的过去了。下期节目里我们要讲一个九年后的故事喽。thank you for being with me today. See you next time!


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