dino story - the nosy dinosaur

dino story - the nosy dinosaur


the nosy dinosaur
Millions of years ago , huge Dinosaurs with very long necks feasted on forest leaves. 
Bobby the Brachiosaurus wasn't fully grown yet , but he still nad a very very long neck. 
Bobbys favourite thing to do was stretch his long neck as far as it would go and be as
nosy as possible. 
One day , Bobbi was munching on leaves as usual when Posy the podokesaurus rushed by , carrying some moss in her mouth. 
''What are you doing? Posy ?''Bobby asked. 
But Posy had disappeared behind a bush . And Because  Bobby was nosy , he stretched his looooong neck over the bush to see where Posy had gone. 
''Bobby ! You've woken my babies!''cried Posy. 
Bobby went back to munching leaves . but it wasn't long berore he heard a loud snore coming from behind a rock. 
''Who's there ?''Bobby asked , but no one answered. 
Bobby stretched his very long neck to peep
behind the rock. 
He gently nudged a snoring dinosaur . ''What are you doing ? "  rumbled a grumpy Brachytrachelopan called Ben. 
''I was fast asleep before you stuck your nose in ! Go away!''
Bobby's day was not going well . He was feeling a bit sorry for himself when he saw a group of  Yandusaurus Playing tag . 
''That looks fun !'' thought Bobby , so he set 
off after them. 
The Yandusaurus zipped through the forest . They were much smaller and speedier than
They leapt over logs , skidded round trees and Squeezed under branches , until …Bobby lost them . He stretched out his long neck to look around. 
He was about to give up and go home when he heard some giggling from behind a clump of trees. 
What was so funny? 
Bobby needed to know !
He used his long neck to Puuuuuush his head
through the branches to get a better look. 
As Bobby's head and neck Squeezed through , he saw  the Yandusaurus throwing leaves over
each other . Bobby laughed and one of them spotted him. 
''Hey , what are you doing , nosy ? " cried Yasmina , the eldest Yandusaurus . Then in the distance there came a loud . "ROARRRR!''
''Megalosaurus! RUN!'' shouted Yasmina. 
But Bobby's head and neck were stuck fast between the tree branches ! " HELP ! 'cried Bobby My head's stuck !''
The Yandusaurus sped back to help . They climbed on top of each other until they'd made a tall tower . Then the littlest Yandusaurus at the top pushed
Bobby's head , hard. 
But the Yandusaurus weren't strong enough to Push Bobby out . Old Ben heard all the noise
and came to help . ''Let's try Pulling Bobby out , " he Said. 
So the Yandusaurus and Ben all grabbed hold of Bobbys tail. 
''One . two , three . . PUUULLL!''
All the dinosaurs pulled as hard as they could . But Bobby was still stuck fast . ''Again !''
yelled Ben . And he pulled So hard he toppled backwards. 
Luckily , the little Yandusaurus managed to scramble out of the way before being squashed. 
suddenly , Posy arrived with her babies. 
''Help !'' called Bobby, ''I'm scared!''
Then Pablo , one of the Podokesaurus babies , had an idea. 
He grabbed a big leaf and scrambled
along Bobbys back. 
''Be careful Pablo . " cried Posy. 
The roars were starting to get louder as the
Megalosaurus got closer. 
Carefully , Pablo crawled through the branches onto Bobby's head. 
'' I'm not sure how you can help with that leaf , little one. '' said Bobby
''I may be Small , but wait and see . " said Pablo . Then he tickled Bobby's nose with the leaf .
''AAAA . TISH . " Bobby sneezed so hard . his head shot out from between the branches
He was out. 
''It s good to be curious ,'' said Ben as they all ran away . ''But always check before poking your nose into things !'' 
And the Nagalosaurus was something Bobby did NOT want to find out about. 

