dino story- the speedy tale

dino story- the speedy tale


the speedy tales
Millions of years ago , there lived a Velociraptor called Vicky , who was super-speedy. 
Everywhere she went , she went in a rush. 
''Got to go ! Can't stop !''she'd shout , ignoring her baby brothers and sisters as she rushed past them. 
Vicky ran this way…
And then she raced that way…
and then she sped back again. 
When Vicky's family was ready to go off and hunt , no one could find her. 
''I'll see if I can catch her ,'' said Vicky's friend , Gal. 
Gal , a Gallimimus was the only dinosaur fast
enough to keep up with Vicky. 
''Vicky ! " called Gal when he spotted her .  ''Your family is leaving…''
But Vicki was off again .
Much later , Vicky finally slowed down and looked around her . The forest was empty. 
''Where is everyone? '' Vicky said, out loud.
''They've gone ,'' said an old Voice , and an
ancient Protoceratops limped into view. 
''I saw them go…that way…''And Vicky was off again. 
But Vicky was in such a rush , she didn't notice where she was heading . She sped straight into a trap that sneaky Protoceratops sent Vicky straight over a cliff. 
" You won't be eating any of my family tonight ,'' chuckled the Protoceratops , peering down at poor Vicky.
As the old dinosaur ambled away , Gal tried to calm Vicky down a bit. 
''Stop flapping!'' he shouted over the cliff. 
''Slow down and use your claws ,'' suggested Gal. 
Another piece of the cliff broke away as Gal encouraged Vicky to keep climbing . . slowly. 
But once at the top of the cliff , Vicky sped
off again . ''I saw my family in the Valley. 
I need to go !'' she told Gal
''There s a shortcut through here ,'' she yelled , and Vicky ran …  straight into two huge
''Aaaah~''shrieked Vicky , turning around and
racing the other way. 
But as she headed deeper into the jungle .
Vicky raced into trouble again, the hanging vines and' sticky creepers quickly trapped her , until she was completely tied up. 
''Stop rushing!'' said Gal . when he finally found her ''You're running into trouble at every turn!''
Gal helped Vicky escape and led her to a hiding place near the slimy swamp
''We'll trap the Tarbosaurus in the swamp ,'' said Gal. ''Keep shouting so they come closer. ''
''But why ? " asked Vicky . " We could just run past them. ''
''But we dont want to lead those too pea-brains straight to your family ,'' replied Gal. 
Both Tarbosaurus were soon totally tied up and stuck in the swamp. 
A few moments later , Vicky and Gal emerged from the jungle and saw Vickys family further
along the valley . Vicky was excited to see them again. 
" Walk quietly and slowly , said Gal . " or we'll scare away the monoceratops. ''
Vicky felt so greatful that Gal had taken the time  to help her. 
''Being fast is fun ,'' Vicky told the baby Velociraptors . ''But it's important to slow down every once in a while , so you don't run into trouble. ''

