dono story- the selfish dinosaurs

dono story- the selfish dinosaurs


the selfish dinosaurs
A young plateosaurus called Posy once lived near a dusty desert . She had the best spot beside a river. 
Posy was a selfish dinosaur . If she found her favourite liverwort leaves growing nearby , she wouldn't tell her friends. 
''There's no liverwort here ,''she would say , and send them looking in the opposite direction. 
Every day , Posy Played rock skittles . There was always a queue of other dinosaurs waiting to play . But Posy wouldn't share. 
Once, a brave little Loraptor called Esme dared to ask for a turn in her BIGGEST
voice . " Please can I
Play?'' Posy held on tight to her rock and said ''No . you can't play ! These are MY skittles! GO away!''
Each day , dinosaurs had to cross a bridge over the river to reach the shady trees on the
other side. 
Posy wouldn't let them cross, She said , " This is MY bridge and you can't cross here .'' 
So all the dinosaurs had to go the longer
way round. 
Things carried on like this until a new
dinosaur moved into the desert . The new
dinosaur's name was Malik and he was a
Melanorosaurus . 
And Malik was just as selfish as Posy. 
One hot day , Malik started to cross the bridge to reach the shady side of the river. 
''Get off MY bridge! shouted Posy
''It's MY bridge now ! " shouted Malik
The other dinosaurs suggested that Posy and Malik have a competition . The winner of the competition would be the owner of the bridge
First they they had a race. 
''And the winner is , Posy !'' shouted Esme . " I won . I'm the winner !'' cried Posy . ''Its my
Next there was a log-lifting contest to see who was the strongest . Posy griped a log in her jaws and heaved it in the air. 
But Malik hauled an even bigger log higher
than Posy did . " Malik is the winner !'' shouted
Charlie the Coelophysis. 
''Who can Jump the highest ?'' asked Esme .
Posy and Malik both leapt into the air at the same time . Esme and Charlie measured
their jumps. 
''I won , I won !'' shouted Posy
''No you didn't ! I jumped higher than you ! " shouted Malik. 
There as a hush as the winner was announced. 
''It's... a drawl. '' said Charlie
Posy and Malik had both won. 
They were too Surprised to speak !
But Posy and Malik didn't like being winners together. 
They didn't t want to share the bridge .
They argued long into the afternoon . Suddenly everyone heard a loud " ROAR!''
Then from the forest came a huge , stomping , roaring beast. It marched towards the bridge . ''Its a Euskelosaurus ! RUUUN !''
shouted Posy and Malik. 
There was a crazy bundle as the little dinosaurs sped off. 
Posy and Malik stood side-by - side on the bridge . ''No one is crossing OUR bridge !'' they
Said . They rose onto their back legs and bared their teeth and claws. 
The Euskelosaurus stopped in its tracks. 
''Get off OUR bridge!'' shouted Posy and Malik
Posy and Malik's Plan worked ! The Euskelosaurus turned its back and slunk
away into the forest. 
''He won't dare step on OUR bridge again!'' they laughed. 
Everyone heard how Posy and Malik worked together to scare away the Euskelosaurus
''Has the mean dinosaur really gone? ''asked Esme. 
''Yes , and it not coming back. '' smiled Posy. 
''Its more fun doing things together ,'' Posy said . Malik agreed. 
and from then on they shared the bridge with everyone else. 

