dino story - dippy idea

dino story - dippy idea


There was once a huge and hungry Diplodocus called Dora . Dora often had lots of dippy ideas and was very easily confused. 
''Hmm … the best leaves are on that side of the tree ,'' she thought , one day . ''So if I stand
here, I can twist my neck round like this to reach them.''
''Dora! You nearly stepped on me.''
shouted a small Ornitholestes . ''Head over there, will you ?''
''But my head IS over there ,'' Dora replied , confused. 
But before Dora could move away , an old Diplodocus appeared through the trees
''Sssh! There s an Allosaurus about !'' he hissed. 
Dora made herself as Small as Possible and hid behind the nearest tree . from there she
watched as the herd swung their enormous necks and tails at the group of Allosaurus to try to scare them off .
After the fight everyone was hungry , but they also wanted to think of new ways to scare off the Allosaurus. 
The Diplodocus were tired of all the neck-swinging and having their meals interrupted. 
'We could disguise ourselves . . as trees ,'' suggested Dora . "with leaves on our heads. ''
But no one took Dora seriously , so she wandered off on her own. 
Deeper in the forest, Dora spotted a Stegosaurus frightening off another Allosaurus. 
''You did it !'' Said Dora , strolling over to the
smiling stagosaurus called Peggy. 
'' I wish I had super strong plates on my back ,''
Dora sighed. d
Peggy helped Dora make her own plates with mud and leaves. 
 ''This is a great idea .'' smiled Dora . ''We'll all
look so super-fierce. ''
''No Allosaurus will dare to come near us. ''
But everyone laughed at Dora's idea and went back to eating leaves. 
Poor Dora felt sad as she wandered down to the rock shore to wash off her disguise. 
''Never mind ,'' Said Peggy. ''You'll think of something else. ''
''Er , Peggy ?'' whispered Dora. ''What's that in the water? ''
Dora Plunge her head into the water and looked about. 
''who's in here ?'' she tried to say underwater but it came out a little like blooob-bo-ber ? "
''I'm Pete . I'm a Plesiosaurus . Are you coming in for a swim? ''
Dora thought for a moment . She wasn't
even sure Diplodocus COULD Swim. 
''Try it and see , " said Pete. 
So Dora found some hollow reeds to help her breathe under the water and dived right in. 
''Wow! what a good way to hide ,'' thought Dora. ''My whole herd could fit down here!''
''And there's food. '' said Dora , trying a big clump of seaweed. 
She didn't see the Allosaurus had returned
And she didn't see Peggy at the edge of the shore trying to warn her. 
''Peggy ! I've got the best idea ,'' said Dora . ''I think we should… Woooaaah~''
As Dora staggered out of the sea , she slid into a huge puddle of mud . She was covered in thick drippy black slime. 
The reeds, leaves and seaweed stuck out at all angles , The Allosaurus had never seen any thing So terrifying in all their lives. 
''Well done Dora!'' said the Diplodocus herd . ''This dippy idea . wasn't so silly after all. ''

