29-1 讲解版 - 批判性思维 VS 应试教育

29-1 讲解版 - 批判性思维 VS 应试教育


1. 对话

Leo: So I have a great ice breaker.

Donald: Oh? Let’s hear it.

Leo: Do you think money can buy happiness? Like purchase real, true, happiness?

Donald: Well I mean that’s a tough question. But I’m kind of leaning towards… Money can buy pretty much anything!

Leo: Isn’t that a bit shallow? Money can only really buy material things right? What about the intangibles?

Donald: Like love?

Leo: Exactly. I know lots of rich people who can’t find ‘the one’.


2. 划重点

1) Critical Thinking

a. = 批判性思维

b. 在美国,老师和家长鼓励孩子思考一件事情为什么准确或其背后的逻辑成不成立。


2) Rote memorization

a. = 死记硬背(与批判性思维相反的)


3) Ice breaker

a. = 破冰问题


4) Hear it

a. = 来听听

b. 连读:hear_it


Let’s hear it.

Let’s see it.


5) Purchase

a. = buy | 买

b. 发音:purchase

例 :

He purchased a new suit.

She was going through all of her purchases for the day.


6) True

a. = 真正的|真的


True friends are hard to come by.

True love at first sight.

b. 拓展用法:真是|说得对


That’s true.

True.. (同意)


7) Tough

a. = 艰难|有难度|老(指肉)


This class is pretty tough.

This meat is so tough.

I had a tough day at work.


8) Lean towards

a. = 在两个选择之间倾向于选某一个


I’m leaning towards the lobster.

He was leaning towards staying in.


9) Shallow

a. = 肤浅


Guys are so shallow.

Forget her. She’s shallow and is just after your money.


10) Materialist

a. = 物质


She’s so materialistic.

He’s really into material things.


11) Intangibles

a. = 无形的|触摸不到的


You’re forgetting the intangibles that make Lebron such a great player.


12. Exactly

a. = 正好|就是


That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.

You’re exactly the person I need!

  • laura82

    Thank you for givng us so great lessons.

    口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @laura82: Your welcome Laura! We're glad you enjoy them!

  • 透明谷O0


  • 透明谷O0


  • zhlannie

    Money might buy happiness at a certain point.

  • 爱读书的小凯拉

  • xiaoxi2017

    Money can not buy happiness,but you aren't definitely happy without money.

    口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @xiaoxi2017: 这个说得太对了!This is very true!