2-1 讲解版:冷场?尬聊?这6个词帮你成为chitchat高手

2-1 讲解版:冷场?尬聊?这6个词帮你成为chitchat高手


1. 对话

Mike: So, why’d you come to Beijing?

Kevin: Work mostly. And I’ve always been interested in China.

Mike: How long have you been here?

Kevin: For a few months. You?

Mike: About 7 years now. What do you think of it so far?

Kevin: Wow that’s a crazy long time. You must really like it.

Mike: Yeah, I really love it. What do you think of it so far?

Kevin: It’s awesome! I could definitely see myself staying here for a long time. 

2. 划重点

1) 特殊疑问词 + did you + 动词

a. 特殊疑问词:who、what、where、when、why、how


What did you have for lunch?

Where did you learn English?

b. 发音

口语中,did you 说成[ˈdɪʤu]或者[ʤu]。

2) Mostly

a. =主要

b. s.t.+mostly

I've been resting, mostly.

I've been eating, mostly.

3) To be interested in

a. =对...感兴趣

Eg. I have always been interested in China.

4) How long have you been...?

a. 动词+ing

-studying Chinese?


b. 用"for"表示时长


for 3 weeks

for 3 months

c. 拓展:现在完成时

I have been in China...

d. 说次数不要加“for”

5) What do you think of ...?

a. =你怎么看...?|你觉得...怎么样?


What do you think of the new Marvel movie? 你觉得新一部漫威电影怎么样?

6) Must


a. 口语中用作“肯定”、“一定”。


You must be tired.

You must be hungry.

7.) Could see 

a. =能想象

b. I could see myself...


I could see myself living here.

Eg. It’s pretty hot today.

How’s a pretty good restaurant.

  • 祖国的花朵_wg


  • 走路去纽约_K6

    I suppose ameria is a morden metropolis with so many opportunities,I could see myself showing my charms as a supermodel ,like naomi or kate moss

    口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @走路去纽约_K6: 不错得注意!不过metropolis仅限于几个大地区。Shanghai and Beijing are also very large metropolises! 😊 中国最近一直在出很多国际级得超模,我觉得还真挺好的!

  • 茂言_

    Actually,i would like to stay with my family.although , NewYork is a fashion city,but it is crazy far away from home.

  • Roy_little_prince


  • 朝内81

    must be 的 be可以省略么,对话中好像省略了

    郑潇轶JayZZZZ 回复 @朝内81: 那个like是动词,不需要be

  • 晴天_l96

    初听节目,feel good!CP感很强!

  • 天涯共明月_2m


  • 真知灼见_h0

    I've been visit Americo at 2014,it's so big place,it has clear sky.people are always courtesy,it's freedim country but people are all pretty keep the rule.i could see myself staying here for a long time:it must be super cool,because i like take picture and run around.

  • 蜡笔c大黑

    That's so good

  • 声音日志wow

    Oh,it's super fashion.I went there 5years ago.And I found people there are quite friendly,kind and warm.I 'd like to go there again to see more. I could definitely see my family go there again.