1. 对话
George: John. What`s up (man)?
John: George! Not much. How about you?
George: Same (here). Just been super busy.
John: Oh yeah you changed jobs, right? How’s it going?
George: It’s alright. Nothing too crazy. Just…tired.
John: Yeah, yeah I get it. Anything else new?
2. 划重点
1) What’s up
a. 比How are you(偏正式)更日常,朋友见面寒暄高频用语
b. = Hi 常见回答:what’s up
c. = What are you doing 常见回答:not much/nothing(+近况)
d. 连读 What_sup
2) How about you?
a. 聊天中接续对话必备,注意降调
b. = You? 升调
c. 常见回答:same/same here/近况
d. 过时表达:And you?
e. 拓展:Anything else (new)?
3) How’s it~?
a. 询问朋友近况
b. 常见用法:How’s it going? How’s it been? How’s it been going?
c. 常见回答:Pretty good (well)/Great/Not so good/Not bad
d. 过时表达:Fine/I’m fine
e. 拓展:How have you been?(持续状态)
对应回答:I’ve been…(动词+ing)/形容词
4) Filler Words
a. 常见填充词,让口语能够更自然、更流畅
b. 如,just, yeah, same, right等,对应中文中的“那个、就、就是”
c. 对话时,还可以用填充词给自己留出思考时间
13871953olp 回复 @快乐_jux: 。。。。。
口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @Ritavan: 加油!💪
对方问What’s up 时,还可以不正面回答,而只是直接向对方回答“what’a up”吗?
口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @林林CH: exactly! What's up可以直接用what's up来回答
1380715lnth 回复 @OnTheRoad在路上_: It's like finding a super program!!! As a college student who has just finished the college entrance examination brushing written questions every day, he feels dumb when he opens his mouth. I always want to improve my spoken English.
四月蔷薇_da 回复 @ice3638: 我也想知道
真心建议背景音乐去掉 讨厌死了
不说_w0 回复 @svx9fkzt9qj3opk5dygb: 亲,你要知道,真正的对话绝对不会永远都处在一个安静的环境中的哦
口语老炮儿马思瑞官方 回复 @1811750mskp: Glad you like it!