The Power of Smile·Mr. Phil

The Power of Smile·Mr. Phil




主播:Mr. Phil


20069月,西安 , Mr. Phil, Ms. Liz第一次来到中国任教。文化差异,语言障碍让他们有些无所适从。同年,06级的大一新生从全国各地来到西安外国语大学,满怀欣喜迎接他们的第一堂外教课。天气有些阴沉,气氛有些沉闷,Mr. Phil在教室等待他的中国学生。这时,一位叫Summer的女生充满笑容地走进教室,瞬间,灿烂的笑容温暖了整个教室。自此,Mr. PhilMs. Liz与他们西安外国语大学(XISU)的孩子们结下了深厚的师生情谊。

20142月,St. George, 永清第一次来到美国,在这个陌生国度有他的亲人-Mr. PhilMs. Liz。午后,坐在书房,Ms. LizMr. Phil与永清共同回忆了在西安外国语大学的点点滴滴,他们记得每一位同学,珍藏着同学们送给的每一件礼物。Mr. Phil朗读了几年前在中国写的文章The Power of Smile,节目中你会听到猫咪的叫声,那是因为调皮的Sam在客厅玩耍。读完文章,Mr. PhilMs. Liz说“Let's do something for the kids”,于是他们手挽着手,清唱了这首“Smile”。执子之手,岁月静好,两位老人,从大洋彼岸,带给你微笑和温暖的力量。

202411月,收到Ms. Liz的来信,得知Mr. Phil20241118日凌晨242分永远地离开了我们。虽然Mr. Phil离开了我们,但他的声音依旧在温暖着我们。相信,当我们Mr. Phil声音再次响起的时候,他会在天堂微笑着祝福我们。

The Power of Smile


作者:Mr. Phil

As a guest in a beautiful country-China, I have been treated with great love and respect, even though I know that it is not always easy for my students to understand me in my class. I consider myself to be like a grandfather to many of you, and that is a great honor for me.


Two years ago I was in my Chinese classroom waiting for my students, when a lovely young lady entered the room. Suddenly the room was warm and cheerful. I marveled at the change from a dim and somewhat drab classroom to a bright and happy classroom so quickly. Seeking the answer, I looked more closely at the Chinese girl who stood before me. By all accounts, she could be described as ordinary except for the one characteristic that had an immediate effect on me and my class: her smile.


She had the most beautiful smile I think I have ever seem. I was so impressed by her smile that I told my wife about the experience when I arrived home after the class. Since the when I saw this young lady, she had the same beautiful smile. She and I have become very good friends. I know there are at times when she has trials and reasons not to smile. Nevertheless her smile is always there and never fails to warm my soul.


Many times I have pondered the effect a smile had on others. I have decided that a smile is one of the greatest powers we possess. Nothing can melt an angry heart more quickly or make people all around feel instantly better-as if they had experienced a magic elixir of some kind.


I have decided that as I walk along the lovely pathways of our beautiful campus, I will smile and say hello to those I meet. The smile makes all of us instant friends. In America we have many instant foods that only require adding a liquid such as water, juice or milk to make a delicious meal. A smile makes instant friends and is the magic ingredient that makes us all brothers, sisters and friends.


I would like to invite all to look up and smile at everyone they meet on our campus and streets. I resolve to do so and know I will feel great pleasure being there in a strange land faraway from my family because of you and the power of your smiles. Thank you for being my beloved grandchildren.




Mr. Phil:曾在西安外国语大学任教,最好的外教




  • hiasewie


    为你读英语美文 回复 @hiasewie: 回来啦

  • 大宝二裘哈哈
