Vol67.EasyEnglish系列The Roommates

Vol67.EasyEnglish系列The Roommates


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Hi everyone, I'm glad we can all get together to welcome our new roommate to the house, Eric, Percy, this is Diana

It's nice to meet you

Welcome Diana, we're excited to have a new addition to our group, where are you moving from?

I just moved here from New York City, I worked in marketing and had the opportunity to relocate. Now I'm with a new company, it's a non-profit and I'm in charge of its social media. I'm excited to be in California but it's really far away from home

I'm sure you'll make friends fast, do you like your job Diana?

I love it, what do all of you do?

I'm a student, I study psychology and it's my last year of school. I'm hoping to go to medical school and then become a psychologist. I want to work with troubled teens

I'm a student too, I'm in my third year, I study economics and management.

And I work at a gym as a personal trainer. I love to exercise and stay active so it's a perfect job for me.

That's great and are you all from California originally?

I am, I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else, the weather is amazing and we have the best tacos in the country. What more could a girl want?

I'm from California too, my family is in Santa Barbara. That's where I lived most of my life until I moved to LA for school

I'm the only other transplant from Texas, I moved here to get away from the climate there.

And what is the climate there like?

It's too hot or too cold, too dry or too wet. There are also a lot of hurricanes and tornadoes every year. Besides, there are too many insects or snakes and I didn't like that

No wonder you moved to California

Diana, what do you like to do in your leisure time?

I like reading and listening to music. I also love to see live music so I need recommendations for the best venues in town

Sure, there are plenty of great venues with live music in Los Angeles. I'll take you to some of them

Cool, I can't wait.

What's your favorite book?

My favorite book is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce. Have you read it?

Yes, I have, it's a very interesting book. I love reading too but I like more active hobbies though. I love to go skateboarding, swimming, and go hiking and camping

You sure are active

Yes, I am. Do you exercise or do any sports?

I'm not crazy about most sports but I do like to go bowling sometimes.

How about movies, what kind of movies do you like?

Most kinds really, I enjoy documentaries, romances, and comedies

I like romances too, are they your favorite?

Yeah, I guess so.

Don't you like science fiction movies?

I think they're a little boring actually, do you like them?

Yeah, I'm a big fan. I like anything with action. Who's your favorite actor or actress?

Leonardo DiCaprio, he consistently gives great performances and uses his fame to help the environment too

My favorite actress is Angelina Jolie, she plays different roles and she is always brilliant in her acting

Yeah, I agree. She is strong and beautiful and she can play in action movies and romantic movies. She is also a philanthropist.

