Vol65.口语听力训练What makes you beautiful附文本

Vol65.口语听力训练What makes you beautiful附文本


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Beauty can be a tricky word. Some people might say it's about having a pretty face or a nice body. Maybe you think someone with clear skin and bright eyes is beautiful. But what about someone who is kind and always helps others? Or someone who is strong and brave? Can they be beautiful too?

We all see people we think are beautiful, but what exactly makes someone that way? Is it just how they look on the outside? Think about it for a second. What makes someone beautiful to you? Is it something you can see or is it something more? Maybe someone who always smiles makes you happy, and that makes them beautiful in your eyes. Perhaps someone who is good at drawing is beautiful because you find their talent amazing. Beauty can be different things to different people.

I want to hear what you think. Have you ever thought about what makes someone beautiful? Send me a comment below and tell me your ideas.

Did you know that what people find beautiful can also change depending on where they live? The world is full of amazing cultures, each with its own unique traditions and ways of life. And guess what? Their ideas about beauty are unique too. Think about it. In some cultures, having long thick hair might be seen as beautiful because it represents good health and fertility. In others, short hair might be trendy and stylish.

Let's explore some examples. In some parts of Africa, people might find scarification, which is creating decorative scars on the body, to be a sign of beauty and bravery. In some Asian cultures, having pale skin is often considered beautiful. This might be because historically, pale skin meant you didn't have to work outside in the sun. Even the beauty standards we see in media today are influenced by different cultures. Think about movies, music videos, and fashion magazines. These images come from all over the world, so what we see as beautiful can be a mix of many different ideas.

Have you ever felt pressured to look a certain way? Maybe you saw a picture online of someone with perfect hair and clear skin and you wished you looked like them. Or maybe someone made a comment about your appearance that made you feel bad. We've all been there. But the truth is, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. There's no one right way to look.

Let's listen to a few stories from people who have learned to accept and love their own appearance. Maria used to hate her freckles. She thought they made her look different from other kids. But then she read a story about a famous actress who also had freckles. Maria realized that her freckles are what make her unique and beautiful. Now she loves them.

