Vol63.口语听力训练Physical Exercise(附文本)

Vol63.口语听力训练Physical Exercise(附文本)


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So, welcome Robin and Jessica. Today's podcast topic is extremely important. Yes, it's important. I must say the topic is going to help our viewers. What's your thought on that, Jessica?

Well, I am excited to talk on this topic. So why are we waiting? Let me start with a simple question: Why is regular physical exercise important?

Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Yeah, Jessica is right. Exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

Great. Even though most people are aware of the benefits of physical exercise, many still don't make it a regular part of their routine. Why do the majority of people not work out or exercise?

There are several reasons why many people don't exercise regularly. It can be due to a lack of time, motivation, or access to facilities.

That's right. Other times, health issues or busy schedules can get in the way. What do you think is the biggest barrier for you or people you know?

Those people who don't like working out are usually because they've made it a burden in their minds rather than something productive or fun.

So you're trying to say that if people view exercise as a burden rather than a productive or enjoyable activity, that mindset is what makes them reluctant to work out?

Yes, that is what I meant.

It sounds like you're suggesting that changing how they perceive exercise, maybe by focusing on the fun aspects or finding a form of exercise they actually enjoy, could make a big difference.

Exactly. Changing one's perception of exercise can indeed make a big difference by focusing on the enjoyable aspects of physical activity, such as finding a form of exercise that they truly enjoy.

Why don't most women exercise?

According to the study, a major issue that women face is lack of time. Nearly half of American women don't exercise enough because of burnout. A survey of 2,000 women found that 57% said they used to exercise more frequently than they do now.

So how much is it important for a woman to exercise?

Well, I believe exercise is incredibly important for women, both for physical and mental health. Regular exercise helps women maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones, improves cardiovascular health, and can even reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes or osteoporosis, which are especially common in women as they age.

But it's not just about the physical benefits. Exercise can also be a great way to boost mood and reduce stress. For me, whenever I feel overwhelmed or anxious, going for a walk or doing some yoga really helps clear my mind.

Have you heard about deep breathing exercises?

Yes, of course. I actually do deep breathing exercises sometimes, especially when I feel stressed or overwhelmed. It's a simple but really effective way to calm down quickly. You know, when work piles up or I'm juggling too many things at once, just taking a few minutes to focus on my breath can make a huge difference.

That sounds great, but how do you do that?

