Aug 29 Why time flies as you get older

Aug 29 Why time flies as you get older

BBC Ideas|为什么年纪越大,时间过得越快?
Why time seems to fly as you get older? | BBC Ideas

And it's because when you're a child, everything's new to you. You're figuring out the rules of the world, you're writing down a lot of memory, and so when you look back at the end of a year, you have a lot of memory of what you've learnt. But when you're much older and you look back at the end of the year, you're probably doing approximately the same stuff you've been doing for the X number of previous years. And so it seems like the year just went by in a flash.

Really the way to feel as though you've lived longer is to seek novelty. So you can start with something simple like putting your wristwatch on your other hand or brushing your teeth with your other hand.

