Aug 23|Why do we procrastinate?

Aug 23|Why do we procrastinate?


BBC六分钟英语|我们为什么拖延Why do we procrastinate?
A lot of stuff you read about procrastination focuses on the time management element of it. I probably got a better sense that for me it seems very squarely around the emotional aspect of it. Perhaps I get more emotional gratification from doing it last minute. And, I need to understand why I prefer that over the calm serenity of getting things done with oodles of time on my hands.

In the same way that our ancestors felt good living on impulse, Eshaan thinks he gets gratification -a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction – from doing things at the last minute. What he doesn't understand is why he prefers to work under pressure, instead of finishing calmly with oodles, or lots of, time.
