I have tremendous compassion for them because what a mess we have left the world in, our generation, and the generation before. Of course, you know, the science is so advanced now. Very much in the past, the science would say, yes we think, we perhaps have these models. Now we have the exact science, so it is an absolutely different ball game. We actually know what to do now. It is about getting on with it, and the young people are the furthest ahead in this they can see the future as theirs and they're impassioned to do something about it. 我对他们深表同情,因为我们这一代人和上一代人把世界搞得一团糟。当然,你知道,现在的科学是如此发达。在过去,科学会说,是的,我们认为,我们也许只是有这些模型。但现在我们有了精确的科学,所以这是一个绝对不同的局面。我们现在实际上知道该怎么做。这是关于继续前进的问题,年轻人在这方面走在最前面,他们可以看到未来是他们的,他们有激情去为此做点什么。
You know, when the Institute of Psychiatry published its special issue on climate anxiety, one of the papers pointed out that if you can do something about it, if you feel part of the movement to change things or to stabilise things, then you feel much better. 你知道,精神病学研究所出版气候焦虑特刊时,其中一篇论文指出,如果你能做点什么,如果你觉得自己是改变现状或稳定局势运动的一部分,那么你就会感觉好很多。