生活停一拍 躺平得第一的发呆大赛|2024年9月号

生活停一拍 躺平得第一的发呆大赛|2024年9月号


At an unusual event, a group of people gather and sit together without interacting or checking their phones. Instead, they concentrate on nothing at all and empty their minds for the Space-Out Competition. Originally proposed by South Korean artist Woopsyang in 2014, this event is a form of performance art. It challenges the social expectation to remain constantly busy in this fast-paced world, offering competitors a pause from their routines.

For 90 minutes, players are scored on how well they “space out” based on artistic and technical aspects, with their heart rates monitored every 15 minutes. Then,the audience votes for the most appealing performance. Among the top ten selected, whoever can keep the most stable heart rate is declared the winner.Since players are forbidden to speak throughout the competition, they must rely on cards of different colors for communication. Using these cards, players can signal needs, emergencies, or the desire to withdraw.

Capturing global interest, the Space-Out Competition has been held in different cities since its inception. In fact, the fifth one took place in Taipei in 2017. In 2023, a student at National Chengchi University hosted a campus version of the event as well. As the competition continues to expand, it promotes the idea that people should learn to enjoy the luxury of idle moments from time to time.

在一个不同寻常的活动中,一群人聚集在一起,彼此不互动,也不查看手机。他们只是专注于什么都不做,让自己的心灵放空,参加发呆大赛。这项活动最初由韩国艺术家 Woopsyang 于 2014 年提出,是一种表演艺术。它挑战了在这个快节奏的世界中人们要时刻保持忙碌的社会期望,让参赛者能从日常例行公事中暂停片刻。

90 分钟的比赛中,参赛者根据艺术和技术方面的表现被评分,每 15 分钟监测一次他们的心率。随后,观众票选出最具吸引力的表演。票选前十名中,谁能保持最稳定的心率,谁就是冠军。由于比赛过程中禁止说话,参赛者必须依靠不同颜色的卡片来沟通。透过这些卡片,参赛者可以表达需求、紧急情况或希望退出。

发呆大赛自创办以来,已在多个城市举办,吸引了全球的关注。事实上,第五届比赛就曾在 2017 年于台北举行。2023 年,国立政治大学的一名学生在校园内也举办了这项活动。随着比赛的持续扩展,它提倡人们应该学会时不时就来享受一下发呆片刻的奢侈。

1. interact   vi. 交流;相互作用

During the workshop, participants had the chance to interact and share information about environmental protection.


2. constantly   adv. 总是;不断地

Connie constantly checks her phone for updates on the latest news.


3. pause   n. 暂停

After a long pause, Harvey finally answered the difficult question with confidence.


4. artistic   adj. 艺术的;有艺术天分的

Lewis’artistic approach to photography captures the essence of everyday moments beautifully.


5. stable   adj. 稳定的

The economy showed signs of recovery, indicating a more stable financial future.


6. promote   vt. 提倡;鼓励;推广

The speaker urged everyone to promote the ideas of equality and justice.


7. idle   adj. 无所事事的;空闲的

Jenny will never let an idle moment pass without diving into a good book.


