推理经典《一个都不留》的谋杀之谜 Ⅰ|2024年8月号

推理经典《一个都不留》的谋杀之谜 Ⅰ|2024年8月号


Eight people, complete strangers to one another, receive mysterious invitations to an isolated mansion on Soldier Island. Upon arrival, they find their hosts, Mr.and Mrs. Owen, noticeably absent. They’re greeted by the housekeepers, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, who claim the Owens will arrive later. After their first dinner together, a chilling voice from a gramophone accuses the guests and housekeepers of past crimes.

Seeds of unease and suspicion are planted among the group as they realize they’ve been deceived into coming here through someone’s scheme. That same night, one of the guests appears to choke to death and becomes the first to meet his end after drinking poisoned wine. Tension quickly mounts when Mrs. Rogers is found dead the next morning, believed to have been poisoned with a fatal dose of sleeping pills.

This nightmare situation reminds them of the grim fate of characters from the “Ten Little Soldiers” nursery rhyme, found on the wall in each guest’s room. The nursery rhyme outlines the deaths of ten soldiers one after another, and its description horrifyingly matches the mode of death in both cases like a prediction. Moreover, after each death, one of the ten soldier figurines initially spotted on the dining room table vanishes.

A harsh reality sets in when the people realize they’re being stranded on the island and eliminated by a killer among them. Can they uncover the identity and motives of the hidden murderer while forced to face their own guilty consciences? Will they seek a way to survive or—admit they deserve to die?You’ll find satisfactory answers in the story of And Then There Were None.




残酷的现实开始浮现,这些人意识到自己被滞留于岛上,并遭到一名藏身其中的杀手消灭。他们能否在被迫面对自己良心愧疚的同时,揭开这名隐藏杀手的身分和动机吗?他们会寻求生存之道,还是会 ―― 承认自己该死呢?你会在《一个都不留》的故事中找到令人满意的答案。

1. noticeably  adv. 明显地;惹人注目地

Riley’s new haircut made her look noticeably different from her usual style.


2. accuse  vt. 指控;指责

    accuse sb of + N / V-ing 指控某人做了某事

Karen accused her coworker of lying about completing the project on time.


3. deceive v. 欺骗;蒙骗

    deceive sb into V-ing 欺骗某人使其做出某事

The politician deceived voters into supporting them with false promises.


4. choke  v.(使)窒息;(使)噎住

    choke to death 窒息而死

Elliot almost choked on his water when he heard the surprising news.


5. nightmare  n. 恶梦;恶梦般令人不快的事

The party turned into a nightmare when uninvited guests showed up.


6. rhyme  n. 押韵诗;押韵字;押韵

    nursery rhyme  童谣

The poet published a book of rhymes that displayed their talent for words.


7. mode  n. 模式;方式

The company’s mode of operation changed after the new CEO took over.


8. prediction  n. 预言;预报

Researchers have made predictions about the country’s economic growth next year.


9. conscience  n. 良心;良知

Nora doesn’t have much of a conscience; she does whatever she likes without considering people’s feelings.


