Vol33.口语听力训练My dad's success story(附文本)

Vol33.口语听力训练My dad's success story(附文本)


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Wait a minute, Yorge. I'm tired. Can we sit down for a moment, please?

Sure, Dad, but we're close. We will arrive at the lake in 2 minutes.

Yeah, I know, but I'm tired. You know I am not very young anymore.

I know. You are the one who said you wanted to come to the field.

That's right. Now that I'm about to retire, I want to spend some time with you. Son, I have worked hard to have everything we have now, and I deserve my break.

Well, that's true. You have always worked hard. We have everything: a big house, nice furniture, food in the fridge, a swimming pool. I study at one of the best universities in the country. What else can I ask for?

Nothing, yes, but that has not always been the case. I mean, I haven't always had money.

No? Well, once you told me you were poor, but I don't believe you. It is impossible.

You say that because you don't know what poverty is, but believe it or not, I was very poor. I was so poor that I had to sell candy on the street. I had to work when I was a child.

Wow, then why don't you tell me about that? I want to know your story, Dad. How did you become rich if you were so poor? Tell me about it while we rest here.

Alright. When I was a child, life wasn't easy for my family. My father was blind, and my mother had to sell candy on the streets just to put food on the table. I remember watching them struggle every day, but they always did it with a smile on their faces. As the oldest child, I felt a sense of responsibility to help out. After school, I would join my mother on the streets, selling candies to passersby. My father played the guitar while we sold candy. Despite our hardships, my parents always emphasized the importance of education. They believed that it was the key to a better life, so I studied hard and did my best in school, knowing that it was my ticket to a brighter future. But it wasn't easy. There were times when I wanted to give up, when the weight of our struggles felt too heavy to bear. It was not easy, but then I would look at my parents, and their resilience would inspire me to keep going.

After graduating from high school, I knew that I had to do something to change our situation. So I worked odd jobs, saving every penny I could for college. It wasn't easy, but I was determined to make something of myself. Seriously, we didn't have enough money, so I couldn't study at the university. I had to study first in a different place. It was a place where I learned how to build furniture with wood. I became a carpenter. I knew I had to learn fast so I could get a job fast too, so I put in all my effort to learn everything. I was already working as a carpenter's assistant, but I wanted to earn more money, so I studied and got a better job. Finally, I had the money to pay for college. Of course, I had to work for two years to save that money. It wasn't easy at all, especially because every time I managed to save some money, something always happened. There was always an emergency. My dad got sick, my mom didn't have money, among other things. Anyway, with a lot of effort, I could finally save the money I needed to study at college.

Finally, the day came when I was able to enroll in college. It was a dream come true for me and my family. I studied hard, balancing my coursework with part-time jobs to support myself. After years of hard work and dedication, I graduated from college with a degree in business. I always wanted to start a business because I was so curious about it since I was a child, and I had experience. Remember, I used to sell candy on the street. It was a proud moment for me and my family, knowing that all our sacrifices had finally paid off.

