




1-5ACCAB6-10ABABC 11-15CBACB  16-20ABBCA



Text 1

M: Is your conference in Prague? Could I ask you a favor?

W: Sure, as long as it isn’t about picking out dolls for all your relatives.

M: No, I broke a drinking glass I bought there, so could you get me one?

Text 2

M: Do you like the way I organized the files in the bookcase, Ms. Stanford?

W: Yes, you’ve done a good job of organizing them, but what did you do with the old cases in the yellow boxes?

M: I moved those into the drawers, since we don’t use them very often.

Text 3

M: Watch this TV program. What are they doing?

W: They are celebrating Halloween.

M: How do they celebrate it?

W: Well, children usually dress up in scary clothes and play tricks on others.

Text 4

W: How was your trip to Italy?

M: Incredible. The Colosseum was amazing, Pisa was beautiful but the magic of Venice was the best. I got some amazing photosthere that I’ll be able to exhibit at the gallery.

W: Great, let’s meet at the restaurant and go through what we can show.

Text 5

W: So, what’s next with the environment club, Sammy? Tree planting?

M: Well, we just collected beach rubbish and learned about keeping our oceans clean. So, this time we’re into the forest for clean-up. Maybe we’ll find some recyclable garbage this weekend.

Text 6

W: Did you see the France-Wales match on TV last night? Exciting! Wales won! Everyone was over the moon!

M: Yeah, I was too. I watched it with my dad. Why did Gareth Jones quit halfway though — did the referee decide he was in the wrong?

W: No, 6he did something to his ankle, didn’t he?

M: Oh, right. I don’t think it’s serious though. He’s in the team for next Saturday.

W: Great, I’ll be watching that too. Do you want to come round to my place and watch it with me?

M: Wow, good idea.

Text 7

M: Danni, how’s your mom?

W: She’s much better now. Thanks, Tom. She wanted me to thank you for the flowers and said they were beautiful. It’s a lovely gesture. It’s nice knowing the community cares about her.

M: It’s a relief knowing that with the operation she’ll move around better and live a more comfortable life.

W: Yeah, although it is hard at times. I think the cat has helped too. It’s been a source of comfort and made her smile regularly.

Text 8

W: John, what kind of books do you like?

M: Well, I like Russian novels because the greatest writers deal with people’s daily life — why we do the things we do, what we do to realize our dreams, etc. Other things I like reading are the works of the Irish writer James Joyce. What about you, Laura?

W: Well, at the moment I do so much background reading for my work as a translator. It’s rewarding — don’t get me wrong. It helps me be exact in my job. I really used to enjoy fiction. But now I don’t particularly read for pleasure because I don’t have the time.

Text 9

M: Are you interested in trying out for the play, Barbara?

W: Oh, yes.

M: What part are you interested in?

W: Well, I’d like to try for a lead role, but I’d be happy to have any part. You know, I’ve been studying the play day and night, and I really believe I can get a role.

M: Well, you’re off to a good start. I like that. If you need any assistance getting ready for the tryouts, I’ll be here on Monday evening next week.

W: That would be wonderful! Everyone says you are a great director.

M: Well, thank you, but that won’t get you the part. Hard work and effort might, though. Will I see you here at the theater?

W: Yes. I’m looking forward to it. I’ll study all weekend, and by Monday I’ll know every line in the play.

M: Oh, no. What you must do is choose a scene that will best show your acting talent.

W: Oh, I see.

Text 10

W: Are you thinking of having a celebration but aren’t sure what to do or where to go? Party Time Events offer an original and popular place to celebrate any event, and it is perfect for office parties. We have boats available 12 months of the year to entertain groups of between 10 and 50 people. Trips are usually between two and five hours, and can take place in the evening or afternoon. We can supply a delicious three-course meal — all prepared on board of course by our top chefs. However, we do ask you to order your meal at least one week before the event. Please feel free to talk with Mr. Johnson, our general manager, in order to arrange the perfect atmosphere for your party. With 15 years’ experience, we’re able to make suggestions to suit any mood. The price of hiring the boat includes country or dance music. We can also supply live entertainment at an extra cost, which varies from jazz bands to a comedy show or magician. You can book through our website or by telephone.

Alternatively you can come to our office, which is in the Lochmead Leisure Center. Our office is at the back of the centerbeside the bar, and our staff will be very happy to discuss your arrangements.

