




1—5.BCBCA  6—10 CACBB   11-15 CCBAC   16—20 CABAB


Text 1

M: Wow, this is great for a university room! You own a bathroom and a T'V...but where do you put your books? Do we need to buy you a box?

W: No, there's space for them behind the sofa. All l really need to buy now is a desk

Text 2

W: Well, Dave is nice. Can you tell me how you know him?

M: He went to the same university as my brother, and they became really close.I don't know him that well, but he seems like a good person.

Text 3

W: Mr. Shaw, welcome back to the Orion Hotel. The restaurant's just opened for dinner service. Shall I arrange a table for you?

M: No, thanks. I'll just take my room key. It's been a really long day!

W: Certainly. Call me if you want any drinks.

Text 4

M: Oh, I can't wait for this year's World Cup to come. It has been one of the most

important things to me for a long time.

W: Wow, how long have you enjoyed it?

M: About 10 years, since I was 15 years old.

Text 5

W: I can't decide what to order. I wonder what the cheese sandwich is like.M: Oh, that's lovely. My sister and her children had it on holiday in Cornwall. 1 think

I'1l have a hamburger.

Text 6

M: Your bedroom is such a mess. What happened?

W: I put my phone down here somewhere, but I can't find it now,

M: Shall I call it for you?

W: I've tried it, but nothing happened. I think the battery must be dead.

M: Oh. dear. Well, I'll help you look for it.

W: Thanks. I'm in a rush. I'm supposed to meet my friends at the national museum in

20 minutes.

M: Well, don't worry. Mom left me the car keys, so I can drive you if you like.

W: Thanks.

Text 7

M: ls Carol still coming by today to drop of that heater? If so, you'll have to meet her.

I have my English course on Wednesday nights.

W: No. She called yesterday to say that she would bring it tomorrow instead. How are you doing in the class anyway?

M: I am not sure. 1 find the written tests very creative buteasy. I could do better on the speaking parts, even though they are a little bit challenging. My teacher is strict but fair. I think I am somewhere in the middle, but I do enjoy it.

W: As long as you enjoy it. It gets you away from the television, anyway.

M: Well, at least I can study for an hour every night now, like reading an English book but then I get so tired.

W: We just need to find you the right hobby. Once you find it, you'll look forward to every minute you spend doing it.

Text 8

M: This band plays the best songs. It's such a joy to listen to the beat.

W: I agree. I'm so glad you managed to get us tickets. The only problem is that it's a bit loud at times!

M: Yes, it was hurting my cars! Perhaps they will play some softer songs a lier the break

W: Ha-ha! I hope so. Let's get out ofhere for some fresh air. How long will it be before they will be back on stage? Is it 30 minutes?

M:It's three-quarters of an hour. That gives us plenty of time for lunch. I'm so hungry

I could cat up 10 hot dogs!

W: How about that take-away restaurant over there? They do some really nice noodles Or how about that fish shop?

M: Noodles for me please as they're filling and time-saving! Then let's get back to the music!

Text 9

W: Can you see that bird over there? It's in the tree staying perfectly still. It's a golden eagle and they are extremely rare around here. I remember our teacher mentioned the bird a few days ago.

M: Yes, I can see him through my telescope.

W: Normally you might see one flying high in the sky as they disappear into the clouds They are usually so far away that you can hardly see them clearly. But this one...you can see him perfectly as he is so close!

M: Yes, quite an interesting bird.

W: Do you notice how he keeps looking around? He's viewing the river below he's probably hungry and looking for his next meal.

M: What sort of meal will he be looking for?

W: Rabbit maybe, or a deer. They ar`1e powerful birds and have been known to attack

people's dogs, which is pretty frightening!

M: Let me get my camera out. There! Take a look at this photo.

W: He looks so beautiful, standing on the mountain top.

M: It's like he thinks he's the king, and he owns the land!

W: Oh, he's of! Into the sky! What an amazing sight!

Text 10

Hello, everyone this is your headmaster, Mr. Dodson, speaking. I'm sure you've all noticed the snowstorm has become worse since we arrived here at 8 a.m. The school staff and I apologize for not realizing how heavy this storm would be. It was reported that there would be 5 cm of snow. But indeed, we currently have double that amount. and it's expected to become over 20 cm by three o'clock, So, what does that mean?It will require classes to end now, at 1l o'clock, Lunch will still be served in the cafeteria; you may have it now, For senior students who have driven to school, you're welcome to drive home, but please be careful. For everyoneelse, the school buses are coming at noon. You are advised to wait in the caleteria until then. But please, for everyone in the school, call your parents to tell them what you're doing. It's quite a dangerous situation out there right now, And by this evening, we'll have almost a meter of snow on the ground. Next, wait for an announcement from our school bus driver, Jamie Johnson. He will tell you more information about bus schedules and safety advice. Thanks. everyone and please, stay safe out there.

