


When it comes to disinformation, "social media took the cost of distribution to zero, and generative AI takes the cost of generation to zero," says Renee DiResta of the Stanford Internet Observatory. Large language models such as GPT-4 make it easy to produce misleading news articles or social-media posts in huge quantities.
斯坦福大学网络观察室的蕾妮·迪雷斯塔(Renee DiResta)表示,当谈到虚假信息时,“社交媒体将传播成本降至零,而生成式人工智能则将生成成本降至零”。GPT-4 等大语言模型很容易生成大量误导性新闻文章或社交媒体帖子。

And AI can produce more than text. Cloning a voice using AI used to require minutes, or even hours, of sample audio. Last year, however, researchers at Microsoft unveiled VALL-E, an AI model that is able to clone a person's voice from just a three-second clip of them speaking, and make it say any given text.

OpenAl, the American company behind GPT-4, has developed a similar tool, Voice Engine, which can convincingly clone any voice from a 15-second clip. It has not yet released it, recognising "serious risks, which are especially top of mind in an election year".
GPT-4背后的美国公司OpenAl开发了一款类似的工具Voice Engine,它可以从15秒的音频片段中克隆任何语音,以假乱真。该模型尚未发布,因为OpenAI认识到“其存在严重风险,这在选举年尤其受到关注”。

Similarly, Sora, from OpenAl, can produce surprisingly realistic synthetic videos, in response to text prompts, of up to a minute in length. OpenAI has yet to release Sora to the public, partly on the ground that it could be used to create disinformation.

As well as providing new ways to discredit or misrepresent politicians, AI tools also raise the spectre of personalised disinformation, generated to appeal to small groups (think soccer moms in a specific town).

It may even be possible to "microtarget" individuals with disinformation, based on knowledge of their preferences, biases and concerns. Though all of this is worrying, it is worth remembering that not all aspects of the technology are negative. Al, it turns out, can be used for fighting disinformation as well as producing it.
