BBC Ideas|如果人人都吃素会怎样

BBC Ideas|如果人人都吃素会怎样

What if everyone in the world went vegan? |BBC Ideas
The average person eats about 40kg of meat per year. In developed countries, it's double that..or about the same weight as an adult dolphin. But experts now advise cutting down the amount of meat we eat, to help reduce climate change. So, here's a thought experiment. What if the whole world turned vegan?
平均每个人每年吃掉大约 40 公斤的肉。在发达国家,这是两倍....或与成年海豚的重量大致相同。但专家现在建议减少我们吃的肉量,以帮助减少气候变化。所以,这是一个思想实验。如果全世界人人都吃素会怎样?
Around 15% of all greenhouse gasses emitted by humans are from livestock production. If we all became vegan, these emissions would be slashed. Eating meat takes up space...a lot of it. Around 80% of all farmland is dedicated to meat and dairy production. That's about the size of Europe, the US, China, and Australia combined. Meat and dairy typically provide 18% of our calories, but account for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
人类排放的所有温室气体中,约有15%来自畜牧生产。如果我们都成为素食主义者,这些排放量就会减少。吃肉占空间...很多。大约80%的农田致力于肉类和奶制品生产。这大约相当于欧洲、美国、中国和澳大利亚的总和。肉类和奶制品通常提供我们 18%的卡路里,但占农业温室气体排放量的 60%。

A report by the UN's climate body, the IPCC, recommends we all reduce the amount of meat we eat. And also how much we waste. The report found 8-10% of all global emissions are down to food loss and food waste. But not all meat is the same. Large-scale farming of beef has a particularly high impact, and has been a big factor in the loss of the Amazon rainforest.
联合国气候机构 IPCC 的一份报告建议我们都减少吃肉的量。还有我们浪费了多少。该报告发现全球排放量的 8-10%。归结为食物损失和食物浪费。但并非所有的肉都是一样的。大规模养殖牛肉的影响特别大,是亚马逊雨林消失的一个重要因素。

When cows digest their food, they produce methane- a powerful greenhouse gas that's about 28 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 100 years. And when cows burp, this methane is emitted. One cow releases between 70 and 100kg of methane every year, and there are around 1.5 billion cattle in the world today.
当奶牛消化食物时,它们会产生甲烷———种强大的温室气体在 100 年的时间里,这比二氧化碳的威力大约高 28 倍。当奶牛打嗝时,就会释放出这种甲烷。一头牛每年释放 70 至 100 公斤甲烷,而当今世界上约有 15 亿头牛。

But it's not that simple. A lot depends on how the meat is produced. Most meat is mass-produced by large-scale industry, and this can come with a heavy environmental impact. But small-scale farming of animals can have a lower environmental footprint. And sometimes - for example in the case of traditional grazing -it can be beneficial in terms of biodiversity.

Vegan alternatives can also come with their own problems. For example, large-scale production of soya can lead to deforestation, and almond production requires huge amounts of water. But if everyone switched to a plant-based diet, it could bring several positive health benefits.

One study estimated that if everyone ate a vegan diet- with lots of fresh fruit and veg -around eight million deaths could be avoided around the world by 2050. There are no simple answers. But if everyone were to change how they look at food, cultivate it, and eat it in a sustainable way, we could, potentially, change the world.
一项研究估计,如果每个人都吃纯素饮食——吃大量新鲜水果和蔬菜-到 2050 年,全世界可以避免大约 800 万人死亡。没有简单的答案。但如果每个人都改变他们看待食物的方式,以可持续的方式种植和食用食物,我们有可能改变世界。

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